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Dr. Meg, Global Moderator, Practitioner
My husband has many wonderful qualities. However, he is also a bit... odd. For instance, scorpions that find their way into our bathroom do not get squashed in this household. They get captured and imprisoned in a small fishtank with rocks and bits of bark in it. Tonight, much to my 'delight', Alexandra the scorpion (yes, it has a name) gave birth to about 30 white, squirmy scorplings. What he intends to do with these scorplings I have no idea, because there's no way he's either keeping them all or releasing them all into our yard. One scorpion I can live with. Thirty I cannot. A brief google search also revealed that this particular species of scorpion does not need a mate to reproduce. Once they reach maturity they just... keep on going.

Joel put a video on you tube. It's interesting from a zoological perspective (watch out if you don't like creepy-crawlies, though!). Probably more interesting for those of you who don't have them living in your study...

YouTube - Alexandra the Third has Babies!


Hahaha that's awesome and gross at the same time.

Alexandra the third has babies :lol:

Meanwhile, you have scorpions wandering around in your house?! Jeez
That's kinda cool... In a strictly "Keep them as far away from me as possible" sort of way. :p

I sure am glad I've never had a scorpion in my house!


Dr. Meg, Global Moderator, Practitioner
The only things that really bother me are snakes. Don't like snakes. I wouldn't choose to have scorpions in my house if I got a say in it, but I've never found one anywhere other than the bathroom and it doesn't happen often. Maybe an escapee spread word about what happens to captured scorpions at our house...
I think it is so cool how the just reproduce but 30 of them wow No way sorry i would not have them staying in my house nightmares. I think alot of people would like them as a pets though maybe phone pet store see if they want some to sell.


Eeek. I don't mind them behind glass or contained in some way, but if I walked into my bathroom and saw one of those suckers, yeesh, there would be all kinds of swearing and screaming going on.
lol Sounds like your husband doesn't believe in capital punishment. Straight to jail.

I'm so glad humans don't reproduce like that! Oh wait? Octomom? Nooo. I'd be like noooo stop, no more....oh damn, another litter. ;(


A litter of human babies?! :rofl:

Reminds me of The Meaning of Life when that Catholic woman has a baby and it just pops out while she is doing the dishes :lol:


I just found this thread but....seriously??? You find these in your bathroom? Oh god... I could not deal with that. Don't they sting you and then you die or something? Ackkkk!!! I can handle creepy-crawlies, but maybe not scorpions.


Dr. Meg, Global Moderator, Practitioner
These ones aren't so bad compared to the really nasty poisonous ones you can get elsewhere. Their stings are painful, and if you're unlucky and it has bacteria on its sting you can be in a bit of trouble (a friend of mine ended up with skin necrosis... eww), but the variety we have aren't poisonous. It's kind of like getting a wasp or bee sting, I understand. Fortunately I've never experienced one myself.
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