I am confused as what to do in my current situation. When I was a lot younger and living in scotland because my dad was in the navy (we've since moved back to the united states) I was friends with this kid. His mom was just really messed up. She did some really awful things to him and to me. It happened several times but anyway my question is I have been having these flashblacks lately. Actually there not really flashbacks there more like emotional bursts. I don't remember any specifics of what happened when I have these outbursts I just feel really scared and panicked. I remember a lot of what happened but don't have many emotions about it but now it seems like maybe these are the emotions. Anyway, I don't really want to talk to someone about it in person cause it would be too wierd. Basically, I just want all these emotions to go away. How do you think I could get that to happen?