More threads by BrokenHearted

Thank you David . I really do not know where to begin there is just so much going on.? ?

I had an appointment yesterday for my suitability? for? psychotherapy. I? do not understand the process but I felt a total fool.? I? knew I was there to talk about my abuse issues but I felt so uncomfortable. When I was about to tell him I? had a flashback in his office. when he asked me about it I found? I could not verbalize it.? Was that a normal reaction or is it just me ? Has anyone else had this expeirence ?? ? Why do? therapists continually stare at you ?? I found this really unnerving I felt he could see straight threw me? I? almost felt naked? my anxiety went through roof where I could not even think straight my mind went totally blank? He told me I was dissociating what exactly does this mean?? He said he would see me next week for a further assessment and that I should think about what he said and my suitability for therapy.? I? am really worried that I will be turned down as CBT have said I am unsuitabe.? I really want some help I have flash backs daily my life has been so badly affected.? What can I do to overcome my anxiety.?

Any thoughts

Why do therapists continually stare at you ? I found this really unnerving I felt he could see straight threw me I almost felt naked my anxiety went through roof where I could not even think straight my mind went totally blank

I think you'll find that they arn't really consious of it. They search for 'tells', you know, little signs that you give off to indicate whether your uncomfortable, more emotional than usual, under stress, as well as wanting to communicate and give you their full attention. Try not to panic, they don't know what is going on inside your head, no one does. They simply have been trained on ways to help you make sense of it. And don't forget, they are there to help you, if you can be honest (completely naked metaphorically) its probably a good idea. Ive always seen it as talking to yourself, with direction.

I hope this helps the way you feel about them.
Hi David

Sorry if I did not explain myself properly - Cognitive Behavioural Therapy

Thanks Pheonix I think I would feel better if his back was towards me or if I could hide somewhere. I feel so stupid and embarrassed. I am 47 years old and thought that I had dealt with these issues years ago although I never seen anyone professionaly.

David Baxter PhD

Late Founder
I still don't understand. Cognitive Behavior Therapy is a techinique used in therapy. It is part of the treatmenrt for certain issues or problems but may not even be appropriate for certain other issues or certain clients. That doesn't make you "unsuitable for therapy" - it just means you will be best served by using other techniques.
Broken Hearted:

Well, don't feel stupid about it. Even if you had sorted out your insercurities, your allowing yourself to be seen at its most vunerable with a therapist. Maybe if you made it a point to ask him if he could turn away from you while you speak? If you let him know that it makes you self consious, and you battle opening up freely when he is facing you, he may be eager to help you in that way?

What does this mean?
he said he would see me next week for a further assessment and that I should think about what he said and my suitability for therapy.
(totally not what you guys are talking about) but what would a therapist mean by that.... does she want to go and open up? just wondering
x :confused:

David Baxter PhD

Late Founder
Phoenix said:
What does this mean?

he said he would see me next week for a further assessment and that I should think about what he said and my suitability for therapy.

what would a therapist mean by that....

I have no idea. I've never heard of someone doing that. Sounds rather arrogant to me...
It struck me that way too... Like when your given an opertunity, and your parents say, "your attitude stinks, perhaps you should decide if this is what you want, and then act accordingly" ??

I was referred to a psychiatrist in 2005 with depression after a very streeful period in my life. He thought? that psychotherapy maybe helpful? so he referred me to our local hospital.

I? was originally sent a? questionaire of aproximately three hundred questions for Cognitive Behavioural Therapy. When I went to the consultation I gave her a very brief account of the abuse I had suffered. I was told that I was not suitable for this therapy as there programs run for only nine months and that she thought I would probably? need longer so therefor she thought psychotherapy would be a better option.? She said she would write to my psychiartrist to let him no of her decision. I was quite shocked when I recieved a copy of this letter as the abuse I had spoke about was reiterated.? I? had no idea that this would happen.

David I would be really grateful if you could explain what this means

" She has a primary and only depression"? ?Does this mean I have something and only depression or just only depression. It does not make sense to me.

Prior to my appointment for psychotherapy I was sent another questionaire with aproximately forty questions to answer. I had to send it? back before I had a consultation.

I think that this is what really stressed me out. He introduced himself and said we have one hour. I said I do not really understand what I was supposed to be doing and that I felt really uncomfortable. I thought that? he would? ask me a few questions and tell me what psychotherapy involved. He told me he was assessing and that he would not be my therapist. He said he saw how I had scanned the room with my eyes and that I was probably worried about what he would write. I said yes I was worried about what he would write after what had happened with Cognitive Behavioural Therapy letter. I asked him what was private and confidential. He did not answer. I really do not understand. Am I really expected to tell him everything in detail and for this information to be sent to my psychiartrist and doctor in order for me to be accepted for psychotherapy.? ?I think that this is what he meant by my suitability for therapy as he also said that it might be better to leave things as they are.? ?I feel so hurt I don't know what to do I can not continue the way I am.? I have no life. I asked him what I could do to stop the flashbacks. He did not answer. What can I do I feel so desperate inside I really do not feel that I can carry on like this.?

Pheonix? ?" Your attitude stinks, perhaps you should decide if this is what you want, and then act accordingly"? Your statement Is excactly as I took it to mean.


David Baxter PhD

Late Founder

I must say this all seems very unusual to me. What general part of the world do you live in, Brokenhearted?

"Primary and only depression" is not a diagnosis. All I can surmise is it may mean you suffered a single major depressive episode (i.e., non-recurring), but if you are suffering from PTSD that seems unlikely to be true...

You're sure these are qualified therapists? Is this some sort of govfernment run or government funded program? It just sounds very weird...
Hi David

I live in the UK. I have not been diagnosed as having PTSD. I had a number of shocks occuring simultaneously which was the cause of my depression and anxiety.? My origiinal? diagnosis was deemed as reactive depression.? ?

I am glad that I am not the only one who is confused by diagnosis ?

They are definitely approved therapists as they are part of our National Mental Healh Service.

I feel I must be really deficit in some areas as I really do not understand what is expected of me.


David Baxter PhD

Late Founder
Hmmm... maybe somebody in the UK can shed some light on how they do things over there. To me, it sounds like some sort of Dostoevsky novel...
I thought that I would like to share this with you. My mind has been in turmile since my psychotherapy assessment and although I still do not understand something very important has happened as a result

When I expeirenced my flashback, He asked me what did I feel ? I could not answer as I did not know what I was feeling... No one has ever asked what do I feel... I knew I felt tremendous fear but had no idea as to what my other emotions were.. This has really bothered me so every time I had a flashback I asked myself what it was I was feeling... I know now I feel FEAR and DEEP DEEP SHAME and HUMILIATION. I now know why I have not been able to communicate my feelings as I did not know what they were. The realization of my emotions has now left me feeling extremly low,
Turned down for psychotherapy
becaause I cannot speak

My shame and humiliation
The pain is to deep

I feel so useless so utterly weak
I am so abnormal and such a freak.

I am so thick and stupid
I feel real bad
Who can help me
Nobody can.

David Baxter PhD

Late Founder

I don't understand this practice at all, Brokenhearted. To deny someone psychotherapy because they have trouble speaking about their issue(s) seems unethical and immoral to me.

Can anyone in the UK or familiar with practices in the UK offer any advice or information about this situation?


Just To Say I Hope You Found A Friend Or Someone With Whom You Could Talk To And That We Are Here To Listen.


You're finding it hard to stay where, hon? Also, what do you mean when you say you cannot speak? Are you just unable to verbalize your problems comfortably, or are you literally tongue-tied and unable to utter a word?

I know nothing of the intricacies of receiving help with emotional conditions in the UK, since I'm from the US; however, it sounds like you're having one heck of a time. I'd like to help, but really don't know what I can do. We can offer you support here, and a place to talk (without really "talking", which is kinda nice sometimes).

David Baxter PhD

Late Founder
Anyone reading this from the UK, please post - or if you'd rather not but have a suggestion that might help Brokenhearted, click on the little envelope under my name or one of the moderators (e.g., ThatLady just above) and email us the information.
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