More threads by suewatters1



You are not alone in your struggle within the medical system.

The medical system is overloaded, and service providers cannot cope with the number of people seeking services.

Add to that government control over pharmacy formularies, insurance companies control over how and what pharmacists can dispense, and we as consumers are stuck in a bureaucratic mess.

You are doing what you have to do to get what you want, and although it's tiring and frustrating, it shouldn't be taken personally. We are dealing with a broken system.

You are doing the best you can, and that's all you can ask of yourself.
Hi Steve I am getting 1/2 a tablet twice a day till I can see the DR on the 21st.

But I feel so much better today I got my appetite back and I feel positive that yesterdays MRI will tell me what is wrong with my back.
Also I just signed up for a motivational life coach. I had a free 30 min session with him on the phone and it went very well. Better then my last visit with CMHA.
I will be getting weekly visit with him on the phone at a sliding scale rate which is still enough but very good $50. US per 55 minute session and I get unlimited email support on top of that. Everything he has to offer in our sessions is exactly what I need. He is from California so the time zone difference helps me. I checked all of his credentials before today and he is on the up and up. So I can't wait till next week session. He is also sending me a book for me to read.

So I feel things are looking up and I don't feel so scared into making a big career jump if I have to. I know I have so much potential and he pointed out all the positive things I said that would make any employer want to hire me.

So I feel really happy now.

Thanks Halo. I am hoping with this motivational life coach I will learn a lot of what my good assets are to employers and to help me believe in myself and not be afraid to retrain for another job.

I am scared because I am not sure one day to the next what to expect and it's like starting over from scratch. I am not 21 anymore but 45. But I have to look at all my options.



H! sue, when my sister was the same age she started to find the physical work too painful and decided to re-train. For about a year her income was reduced but she is now successful in her new job and much happier. :dimples: Mari
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