More threads by David Baxter PhD

Daniel E.
“The only way that getting older can be a bad thing is if you are not fully living in the moment now.”

― Andrena Sawyer

Daniel E.
“Rejoicing in ordinary things is not sentimental or trite. It actually takes guts.”

~ Pema Chödrön

Daniel E.
“In this moment, there is plenty of time. In this moment, you are precisely as you should be. In this moment, there is infinite possibility.”

~Victoria Moran

Daniel E.
“Often we see the situation (A) and the reaction (C) but are unaware of the interpretation (B).”

“Imagine what effect it would have on you if someone stood behind you all day telling you how useless you were when you were trying desperately to cope with a difficult experience. Now imagine how much worse it would be if the criticism and harsh judgment came from inside your own mind.”

“Unhappiness itself is not the problem—it is an inherent and unavoidable part of being alive. Rather, it’s the harshly negative views of ourselves that can be switched on by unhappy moods that entangle us. It is these views that transform passing sadness into persistent unhappiness and depression. Once these harsh, negative views of ourselves are activated, not only do they affect our mind, they also have profound effects on our body—and then the body in turn has profound effects on the mind and emotions.”

“We only compound our feelings of depletion if we deal with them by giving up activities that normally nourish us."

~ The Mindful Way Through Depression: Freeing Yourself from Chronic Unhappiness

Daniel E.
Accepting the Present Moment; not the Life Situation! Eckhart Tolle - YouTube

"To be okay with what is, which is the simplicity of this moment, is the beginning of true change."

"You've had enough unhappiness. Don't generate more."

“Life wants to continue dreaming that particular dream and eventually it will want to wake up.”

“It’s not the situation that causes unhappiness. It’s my reaction.”

"A life doesn't need to accomplish anything to be considered meaningful."

Daniel E.
I think the better message of mindfulness is this:

You are here. Where you are is not perfect. It may or may not be okay. And here you are.

You do not create your reality; life will be what it will be.

This is the life you are called to be present for. This is the moment that asks for your awareness. Not because you are improved by what has happened, not because you needed it, not so you can turn it into some kind of gift.

You are called to be present to it because it is what is. Because it is here Now, and so are you.

That's what the tool is for -- to be in relationship with what is real, right now.

Be here now.

Grieve here now.

That is mindfulness, and it does have power.

~ Megan Devine, You Aren't Here Now: How Grief and Mindfulness Don't Mix

Daniel E.
“The cultivation of mindfulness is ultimately a matter of life and death, not in a scary way, but in the sense that we are always at risk, in every moment, for missing what is deepest and richest in our lives, the texture of the tapestry itself. We might say (every pun intended) that the richness lies right beneath our noses in any and every moment.”

― Larry Rosenberg, Breath by Breath

Daniel E.
"Surrender is the art of letting go, of giving up the ideas of what "should" and "should not" be."

― Miguel Ruiz Jr.

From Self-Judgment to Self-Acceptance | Awaken

"Self-judgment resides where self-acceptance wishes to be. Our attachment to these negative beliefs and self-judgments can become so normal that we don't even recognize them as condemnations anymore; we accept them as a part of who we are."

Daniel E.
"Give up waiting as a state of mind. When you catch yourself slipping into waiting...snap out of it. Come into the present moment. Just be and enjoy being."

~ Eckhart Tolle, Practicing The Power of Now

“The playfulness and joy of a dog, its unconditional love and readiness to celebrate life at any moment often contrast sharply with the inner state of the dog’s owner — depressed, anxious, burdened by problems, lost in thought, not present in the only place and only time there is: Here and Now.”

~ Eckhart Tolle, Stillness Speaks
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