More threads by Daniel E.

Daniel E.

Self-care means honoring and respecting the self. But when you grow up with emotionally immature parents, you are taught that setting limits is selfish and uncaring. You are taught to seek approval instead of authenticity in relationships.

Daniel E.

Some educators stress that a student’s “emotional intelligence” or “social intelligence” (as measured various ways) is a better predictor of adult success and happiness than their IQ or SAT scores. It’s all about social memory rather than memory of vocabulary words, about emotional perspective-taking, impulse control, empathy, ability to work with others, self-regulation.

Daniel E.

Unconscious competence: The individual has had so much practice with a skill that it has become "second nature" and can be performed easily. As a result, the skill can be performed while executing another task. The individual may be able to teach it to others, depending upon how and when it was learned.


Daniel E.

If your company is notorious for making promises it doesn’t keep, don’t get your hopes up about your chances of advancing through the ranks. Spend your free time looking for other work instead of knocking yourself out for a reward you may not receive.

Daniel E.
“Of course, a culture as manically and massively materialistic as ours creates materialistic behavior in its people, especially in those people who've been subjected to nothing but the destruction of imagination that this culture calls education, the destruction of autonomy it calls work, and the destruction of activity it calls entertainment.”

~ James Hillman

Daniel E.

Be proactive in talking with your manager about missing your goals. In situations like these, the two best ways to preserve your professional reputation is to first, come clean about your underperformance before your boss has a chance to discover it another way, and second, to focus on solutions, not excuses.

Daniel E.

History teachers aren’t expected to teach science, math teachers aren’t expected to teach social studies; so why are all teachers responsible for teaching reading? The answer is simple. An emphasis on reading and literacy skills in the content areas has an exponential effect on learning in every discipline.

Daniel E.

To overcome what Kaufman calls the “frustration barrier” — that period in the beginning when you’re painfully incompetent and you know it — you must commit to sticking with your new activity for at least 20 hours. By that point, he says, “you will be astounded at how good you are.”
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Daniel E.

Writing is not only something people “do” to communicate what they have learned, writing can be used as a means of learning. Writing-to-learn is a set of strategies that can engage students in the course content in ways that help build content mastery.

Daniel E.
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