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David Baxter PhD

Late Founder
Phoenix said:
I revert to the teenager too, It must be the age that the emotional hurt occured most? or started maybe?

I was exaggerating a bit about 6, probably, although it depends on the situation. I suspect late childhood or early adolescence is common (except perhaps where the parent was overtly abusive and there are some PTSD features) because that's when most of us will begin to question why things are the way they are - younger children for the most part accept anything as normal.
Yay! Great replies!

I'm still feeling good today. I went mountain biking all day today and was so happy I almost cried a few times. I've missed it so much. It's been a year and a half since I last went. Today was a very happy day. I felt like I was getting myself and my life back again.

Now...we'll just have to see how much muscles, joints and bones handle it. I feel stiff and a bit sore but I'm hoping it won't lay me out over the next few days.

Thank you very much for all the support, everyone.


It sounds like you had a wonderful time, healthbound, and that's just great! :yahoo:

Usually, when you engage in a physical activity you haven't done for awhile, your muscles and joints will let you know they done forgot how to do that! At least, mine always do. It's still fun. :)


HB I am so happy for you that you had a great day and that you got out biking. I am glad to see you being so positive...good work. :)

Let us know how the muscles and joints hold up :D


Hi healthbound,
It sounds like you enjoyed the outdoors, wow, mountain bike riding, that is a lot of fun. You have not done it for awhile.
I am glad you had a nice day to enjoy this activity that is so important to you.
I hope you will get to enjoy more days with this type of excitement.
Personally, I love camping and the mountains.
Take care healthbound. :) think the mountain biking was a love/hate thing for my muscles.

I literally slept ALL weekend. I woke up last night to eat a meal, drink water and watch a movie. Went right to sleep again after that and just woke up about 20mins ago (it's 6:20pm my time).

I can't wait to get in to see that rheumatologist. :eek:

I think I'll practice riding uphill this week to give my muscles a break.
wait a miniute.... 'up hill' to 'give your muscles a break'? :confused:

What you want to do is find a down hill road, and just coast... that's the kind of bike riding I do!! LOL ;)
Haha....yes. I guess some flat road biking would be better.

I went to Whistler Mountain Bike Park ( which is a beautiful mountain full of trails, jumps, drops, bridges, ladders, walls and gaps. It's a ton of fun, but can be very strenuous too. Lots of tensing muscles and adrenaline. I love it, but it's definitely a serious workout.

I was thinking that something with a little less impact (although I do have a full suspension bike) and a little less adrenaline producing might be a better for now. Duh...I hadn't even considered that it would still be very strenuous on my muscles biking up hill. Geeze.


At least you have the motivation to get outside and do some biking.....can you send some of that energy and motivation this way :D


I didn't even get that far. I read "biking" and had to go take a nap. :panic:

:lol: My sentiments, exactly! Biking? Me? I don't think I could even get on a bicycle without falling on my fanny. They say you never forget (whoever "they" are), but they don't know me. I done forgot! ::)
Hey baseballcap. Thanks.

Overall, I am feeling much better than I was a while back. I am not preoccupied with suicide anymore (Thank God). I'm still engaging in some "risky" or destructive behaviors though (mainly drinking as I've just started a food diet to get rid of some of the extra weight I'm carrying).

Today I feel sad because it is International Suicide Prevention Day. So, I've been thinking about my sister all week. And I've been thinking about depression and suicide as well. Feeling sad is OK, it's the things my body and mind does to try and avoid feeling sad that bothers me most. Many times I can recognize what I'm doing, but other times it seem to be more of a subconscious thing.

Anyway, I'm just about to upload a few pictures of my sister on a domain I bought a while back (mysister' I haven't been sure about what to do with it, but I think I'll start by adding some of her photos on it.

Anyway, thanks for posting :) I appreciate it.
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