David Baxter PhD
Late Founder
That's interesting but seriously sound needs air to travel so you can't hear anything from or outside our atmosphere
Yeah that's what they WANT you to believe.
That's interesting but seriously sound needs air to travel so you can't hear anything from or outside our atmosphere
Was thinking of my few friends who are there for me in my times of need and who I hope can lean on me when they need someone there for them and this song came to mind.
Some old songs never fade away.
I've learned, through personal experience over the years that true friendship is one of the few things where distance and time are totally meaningless. Time eases the weight of the grief caused from losing a true friend, for we are not eternal, but it can never displace them from that special place in our heart.
Jim Price asked me to write and perform a song for "Night-times Variety," a show on the local PBS affiliate.
Someone had the idea of hitting a gong and lower it into a tub of water to finish the tune. Lowering a gong into water lowers the pitch about a whole step. Very cool.
Except we didn't have a clear container for the water, so it looks like Randy is just lowering a gong into a trash basket. The audience applauds, but looks puzzled. ("Why are they lowering a gong into a white trash can?")
Please note both guitar players parted their hair in the middle.
In 1982, that was mandatory for guitarists. That's so you could tell they were serious musicians.Please note both guitar players parted their hair in the middle.