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David Baxter PhD

Late Founder
It is indeed sad, @forgetmenot. It's hard to understand how any of that helped anyway.

TODAY i get a call from her they are releasing me her pdoc does not want to sign form to get her diagnosis reevaluated

i guess she asked if she could get a second opinion on her diagnosis he did not like that.

Was that what you were told by staff at the hospital, FMN?
That is it Dr Baxter it does not help they sedate her so much on drugs she should not have then send her to street after i have asked them please please just call me.

I dont understand the system that when she asked to stay to get reevaluated the answer is no usually she shows no sign of wanting to change but this time the sign was there.

I am grateful for her ACT team i am they give her support they do i just faxed the prescription to them who will send it to her pharmacy they will see her tomorrow.

I informed the secretary on phone i am not sure i will give her any meds tonight hate giving meds when sedatives are given on top of them but i will evaluate that later on tonight.
Why say she can stay and get help then take it away

Sorry she has the form here the nurse gave her for Whitby Psych that she has to ask another doctor to fill out

Her release prescription was filled by her own pdoc so he did talk to the nurses there.

It is ok it really is ok she is safer here she is.

In order for her to go to Whitby psych she was told she would have to be admitted to the psych floor in hospital and her doctor did not want that either. I do understand that i do .
It is very reckless knowing her history but i guess that is not their concern their job is to sedate her i guess and the did that for sure. When i talked to the male nurse last evening i was told they would evaluate her meds and they would be keeping her. Her pdoc did make some changes to her meds dropped antidepressant up her lithium and um dropped her sleeping pill and put her back on seriqual hs. Let see how that works ugggggggg Gone are the days when they kept patients when med changes were being made just so they could be watched more carefully but in a way it makes sense because her behavior


...but in a way it makes sense because her behavior

I'm sorry but I don't agree at all. It does not make any sense at all. Easier and more convenient for them to not deal with the issue and let her ACT team deal with her, pushing the problem on to someone else, removing the need to actually work to help someone that has complex issues maybe... And yes it is irresponsible and reckless. We have thousands of people on the streets of Winnipeg because of that same Mental Health Stigma. I'm sick of it and sick of hearing about helpless people abandoned to themselves and sent to the streets without being properly taken care of just because they are "problematic" and or "regular customers" There is no justification or excuse for it. And yes it is one of my "triggers" and it makes me sick to my stomach. If they weren't "problematic" they wouldn't wind up there in distress needing help in the first place.

Imagine what would happen to the same girl if her mom wasn't FMN?

I had an actual "Happy, Joyful day" today. Driving home from the city I was all alone and for once in a heck of a long time I felt a sense of hope and joy. And also at the same time I felt really happy that she had decided on her own and asked to stay for help. In my mind I was at peace knowing she would be safe at least for a bit... Then I come home and read this.

(Not your fault FMN so don't feel bad for sharing it. I appreciate the fact that you did)

I'm OK, I just needed to get that off my chest :(
It is ok GaryQ i knew in my heart they would not help her i knew this.

It was hard for me working at this hospital because i saw the abuse the mentally ill were given.

It is a trigger for me too. There is no justice for how they are treated.

I ask the same thing what happens to the ones that have no family to protect them what happens to them.

They are pushed to the streets to fend for themselves I am tired now

My girl will ask another doctor to fill out the form to get into Whitby

she just wants to be heard thats all.

I understand her pdoc not wanting to get a second opinion no doctor wants that but to me she is showing interest in her health so why not encourage it.

I am afraid to take her back to her apt tomorrow i am afraid ok dam it but it is her wish i really hate this i do.

Not just her ok but my twin my brother they need help they need a safe haven a place they know they can speak what is in their mind and not be judged.

Yes she has addictive disorder and she has schizo effective disorder and borderline disorder and bipolar but who the hell cares really they dont understand ok.

She is not an illness i don't care what label they give her she is not an illness she is my daughter she is hurting dam it.

She has no cause and affect she does not have it she only sees in the moment that is what makes everything so hard.

I do hope her Pinewood worker starts the DBT treatments soon i do hope they do not give up on her with that because of this admission.

Please don't be mad but i wish i could keep them all with me

They need to be kept safe they do from their decisions their minds.

No one understand i cannot get them to understand and i have given up trying to talk to anyone

i just keep praying and praying for a miracle really because i am afraid of what will happen to them when i am gone I am so afraid for them.


Well, they say you need a reason to keep “keeping on”. I think unselfish Love is a pretty good “stick arounder” reason :)
So sad so sad this is what happens when one is released from hospital and not stable. She asked for help she ask for second opinion but was shot down by her psychiatrist she asked.

Now she is back in emergency tired now so tired she asked for help dam it. We were on our way down to pick her up but got a phone call saying ambulance came and took her to hospital.
We turn around and came back home only because if we went she would not get any help they would have just signed her out to us. I don't know what to do anymore and i don't know if turning around was the right thing i am just waiting now for a call.

I pray someone with intelligence with compassion will somehow get her the help she needs. please please.


I just can’t wrap my head around it all.

She has a community action team... what do they actually do to help her? I don’t think it’s much or this wouldn’t happen. Who is her advocate?

Why not take the big step and go public about the whole story? What’s the worse that could happen if you told her story to someone that would probably love to hear it like CBC’s go public?

Something has to be done to help and protect her especially from these heartless bastards (sorry for the harsh words FMN) that just throw her out on the street every time.

I know it’s hard but Hang in there. Big hug

David Baxter PhD

Late Founder
Going public could very well make her a pariah in the system and leave her worse off for care than she already is. Plus, no one should make that decision for FMN’s daughter; only her daughter has the right to do that.

It’s not like there hasn’t already been years of activism and years of complaints about staffing and programs and physical buildings. When it comes to tax dollars, (1) most mental health patients probably do not vote and politicians are very aware of that; and (2) the demands for dollars for mental health are just not as exciting as fancy new transit systems in the public eye.
Ya it will not change going public they did the same to my brother who dam it yes left at age of 40

i am afraid now she is in hospital i am afraid because they cycle wont end
Shove her full of sedatives not listen to her if they listened they would hear her mind is racing it never stops it never stops and she asked for help she asked to get another opinion but it was denied.

I dont know what to do now but to be there when she is released again

Her community care team drops off meds three times a week stays a few minutes to watch her take them.
She calls them when under distress it is up to the doctor to make the decision to hospitalize her while going through all these meds changes but he wont.
I will not go public everyone knows read the reviews on this hospital they are mostly negative.

Mental health no one really cares how much someone is suffering internally you are labelled you ARE judged uggg cannot go there anyways just waiting for a call she just called omg she was out all night she did not stay and now umm she does not want anyone around her im tired i dont know what to do im tired.
I found her she has been with me all day does not see Pinewood worker until Wednesday. I took her to my beach today and whether she likes it or not she is staying here for long weekend she is staying here with me i can keep her safe. Also got the form for whitby and gave it to her GP to fill out he is away until Sept 4 but i hope he will help her get into Whitby to get further assessment. We are not questioning her psychiatrist ok we just want a second set of eyes maybe they will see something he has not like they did with her cousin. He is stable now omg he is stable and she sees that and wants the same. Hope is her GP will fill out the forms so she sees some hope. Like said i will do my best to keep her with me as long as i can.
Set up a tent for her on our property and dad made a camp fire she just wants to have what other people have that all

i will go down later and see how she is doing

i hate the dark lol i hate it but i will phone her first then try to go down and see how she is doing
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