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After working in the field for 35 years it got hard seeing the changes in professionalism. There were many kind professionals there were but so many we just outright cruel to the pts emotionally anyways.
One nurse in psychiatry that should not be there she needs to be fired the one that used her power to so badly and emotionally attack others.

Anyways just got a call from my girl she says they will probably discharge her today. I figured that they would just get her mind to stop racing and then release her. I dont know for sure yet but they gave her seriquol lots of it and a prn of something else i think a clonazepam but she got to rest anyways for a night. Waiting for her to let me know when to pick her up.

It only takes a moment to be kind to say something encouraging to give someone hope and it only takes a WORD or group of words also to hurt someone inside so much and that hurt never leaves.

I dont know why someone is allowed to get away with what they do with all the cameras available to ensure patients saftey they must see why is someone in charge does not step in.

I just hope her stability will stay now i hope some changes were made to help her stay stable until she sees act team Tuesday and also sees her Pinewood worker Wed. I also pray her GP steps up and gets her into a place like Whitby psych that will help her maintain stability.


Thanks for the update. You should try keep her with you for a while to make sure she’s stable.
keep up posted
Ya she will stay here today for sure hard to keep her here i think she has meds until wed so hopefully she will stay up tomorrow too. Will promise to take her to the beach if she stays up. wish she would call.
Just got the call they want to keep her an other night to observe more that is good yes

i am going to bring her a change of clothes hairbrush toothbrush and more on her list and a pumpkin spice latte if timmies is open i doubt it glad they are observing her some more and trying to get her mind from racing
It was good to hear that they are being kind to her and understanding she says they all seem to truly care.
LOL though the doors there have the big bubble window like something out of the 50s it was a jump back in time for sure. She like them she says she feels more secure no one bothers her when she is in her room

They gave her mandalas to color and allowed her to keep her phone so she can listen to music Did not snow her and then lock her up like the other hospital did. She is being treated like a human being here not an animal. i think i will sleep better tonight hearing how kind they all are.
Update iknew something was wrong could not get a hold of her this morning so went to hospital and ugggggg she tried to run she does not know why she said she felt claustrophobic in the small room she was happy when we were there she was quiet coloring no signs of distress. The nurse said she just got so anxious and this is what she does she tries to run. Anywyas the security guard took her down now her ankle is all swollen and they are awaiting xrays to be done. They moved her to inpatient ward more room for her to breath and will keep her a few more days she apologised for what she did but honestly she has no control she really doesnt when her mind triggers like that she runs and runs. Maybe somebody is helping her not to run but slowing her down some with this ankle now. She is so impulsive so dam impulsive the doctor will try to change her medication a bit more so hopefully something helps Tired now home again going to try to rest.


At least she’ll be there a few more days and hopefully feel less anxious. Hope you manage to rest knowing it wil be impossible for her to try to run in inpatient ward. Better safe with a swollen ankle than managing to get away!
maybe this doc will find a way to stabilize her some.

Daniel E.
Yes, I trust there is some silver lining there as well.

Though i don't believe everything happens for a reason, I find it helps to think so anyway.
Things happen because they happen no reason just happen she has not called me so maybe the xray did not show anything maybe it is just sprained or maybe it did not even get xrayed yet. I really wish she would call but i will find out tomorrow.

I am not knowing what to do but tonight i will stay home tomorrow uggg being pulled in so many directions so many If i get up early enough i can take care of bro and twin then get back to see about daughter or maybe i just will not go anywhere it will have to be decided tomorrow.

I do pray honestly theyfind somehow to slow her mind down to take the racing thoughts away so she can think clearly and not be so impulsive.

overwhelmed with all of it with all of them overwhelmed when will it stop when will it all stop. it never is going to stop is it and that is when my mind goes to the place it should not go but it all seems so dam hopeless.

Daniel E.
Mindfulness “reminds you that you matter! It nudges you to be kind and gentle, nonjudgmental, and compassionate with yourself. It can help you prioritize, set limits, stay true to yourself, and ultimately feel more at ease during the caregiving journey.”

- Nancy L. Kriseman
Thanks Daniel i took care of my brother got up early and got him things he needs and took him out for his milkshake and burger I chose not to do more then that this morning i am tired i will go see my daughter in afternoon one thing at a time resting now

Daniel E.
I do think more men need to step up into the caregiver role so that it is more of a team effort. That has been happening but not enough. (My mother got burned out and then rightly insisted that my dad help more with taking care of his own brother.)
It seems that most men turn away from this role. He has three brothers left but they do not want much to do with him. It is ok if i can get him transfer out of the place he is in he will have more caregivers at the nrsg home and i will be able to step away some for awhile. I pray he gets out the place he is in soon. It is not a nice place but it is safe where no one can take advantage of him. Just saw my girl i pray also this new hospital will keep her and continue to help her stabilize they truly care about her what a difference i tell you why can not all hospitals run this way.


Sorry if I haven’t been around for a few days. Been a bit disconnected. Glad to hear they kept your daughter and that they seem to want to help her. Hope she’s still there. Sorry to hear you’re getting overwhelmed by all the people you care for. One day or even one hour at a time!
Hi GaryQ Hope you are starting to feel better sorry you are feeling disconnected.
Her doctor seems to really want to help her.
She on the other hand her mania is very high she is agitated very easily and seems very juvenile at times.
We took her out for supper like walking on eggshells with her but we got through it.
She always pushes the limits always with staff with rules with us.

Dr gave her a weekend pass i told her we we will try it but if it does not go well the nurse gave me the unit number we will see.
The staff all seems so patient with her they do not judge her omg i really wish all hospitals were like this one.
Nurse reminded me that it is her illness not her when she strikes out and the same with my twin.
It seems they strike out at people they are comfortable with. Praying her mind settles down her mania slows down some now with med changes

I do like that fact they are not using sedatives on her but using psychotic meds for prn breakthoughs.

I think there is hope now pray that she stays now until she is fully stable.


That’s a great start. I think the lashing out is not really towards people they are comfortable with but more people they know will suck it up and accept it and won’t retaliate. Like when a child tests the boundaries to see how far they can go. Hopefully slowing down her mind will help. Hope the weekend goes well for everyone!
Dam tears maybe one day if i had too i would choose this place for help maybe i don't know their compassion seems real.

Feels really hopeful to see there are still really caring professionals out there.

Hoping they do not transfer her back to that other hospital. Dr said he had to call them as she is out of jurisdiction but he doubted it because they are always to full to take pts in.
I am just taking one day at a time trying not to get hopes up too high but so grateful for what they are doing.
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