Title | Forum | Date |
A bit of a cry for help | Depression, Dysthymia, Seasonal Affective Disorder | |
Feeling REALLY low... | Depression, Dysthymia, Seasonal Affective Disorder | |
Dont want to be alive anymore | Suicide | |
Back from lapband surgery... | Dieting, Nutrition, Supplements, Weight Management | |
So many disorders, conditions and problems... | Depression, Dysthymia, Seasonal Affective Disorder | |
No Carb diet working but feeling cravings and hunger pangs.. | Dieting, Nutrition, Supplements, Weight Management | |
Feeling sad about future prospects... | Depression, Dysthymia, Seasonal Affective Disorder | |
A different kind of self-injury ?? | Self-Injury | |
Hi everyone ! | New Members: Introductions |