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David Baxter PhD

Late Founder
The other thing, Brenda, is to get as much medical documentation and previous employment documentation as you can, detailing the difficulties you had in maintaining previous employment, why those jobs ended, the frequency of hypomanic episodes and depressive episodes and the havoc they created in your life, etc., etc. Overwhelm them with paperwork... you cannot have too much detail when you're dealing with bureaucrats.


Brenda: I just want to echo what the others have said here,, keep going with this, and i hope your lawyer can get you what u so badly need.

wishing all the best with this.



On a side note: when i applied for a medical card, (Irl) all i had to mention was that i was seeing a psychiatrist and it was granted straight away. i'm D.A, dissability allowance and the medical card takes care of doc visits and my medication.

but for some it's not so easy, there is a means test, ie: yo income plays a part in getting the card. but if you are not working, or you are on any kind of state benefit or allownace, you are automatically entitled to it. You have t o state why you need it tho.



Brenda: its just sickening to see that someone who really needs the help can't get it, even with documentation. It's almost as if they're like :" Well, you HAD a job, so get another one." And other people that just don't WANT to work, do just that. They don't work. Then they go to the unemployment office, sign a paper stating they can't find work, and get a check. What a crock! You keep hangin' in. Fight it. And tell your daughter I said KUDOS to her for sticking by you and helping out. What a sweetie. Good LUCK! Best wishes!--Poohbear
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