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Jazzey i just want peace thats all. It is not always about me i want nothing just peace. I know he has suffered but not once did i blame him. I don't want to think anymore i don't want to feel. We can be friends Jazzey but i don't want physical relationship. He doesn't seem to want it either so good for both of us.. We get along talk i make his meals take care house chores we survive. I care for him as i care for others i wanted him to understand but he couldn't Do I blame him i did but now i let it go. I just want peace and healing for my daughter and my sister. I want to be left alone Jazzey in my own space I do care for him and everyone else but i don't need anymore pain. I am not making sense I know. I wish i could feel something but i am just existing from day to day. He triggers anger and other emotions in me from the past. I want peace thats it no physical attachments it won't happen i can be there emotionally for him at times but that is it. Thanks Jazzey


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...It's ok Mary...You are making sense to me. I was just trying to find a little happiness for someone that I truly believe deserves it....:hug: :hug:

You do what you need to for yourself Mary...And, at some point, I hope that you'll re-evaluate this situation to include a little more emotional bonding and happiness for yourself. This life wasn't intended to be lived as individuals, we're social creatures. But this needs to be done at your rate, at your comfort level, always...:support:
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