hello, latly i have been having very terrible dreams of my past abuse and well i had them before but with therapie they were a bit more controled but at the moment none is i am really losing it with them up to the point were i wake upand am in extreme pain somtimes i can't move others i need to ruch to the bathroom cause i will get sick and wake up with a bunch of scratches on my body i feel my past resurfacing and it scares me i relive every moment of the abuse and i can't stop it i put my alarm clock every hour sometimes just to know that i will wake up before it gets too bad.. i am scared cause this only gets worst i hardly sleep witch brings me to have flash backs during the day.. i feel his presence in me as the voice that directs me in everything i do everything i am ordered to do... and he won'T go away.. i feel deprived of my childhood but at the same time i feel i am not aloud to let go of these nightmares and flash backs because i deserved the abuse cause if i did n't he would not have hurt me.. i think with the mind of a 11 year old child when i think of my abuse witch makes me seem a bit unrationnal to some but that is my belief and i canT' stop it from eating at me ..
yours trully
yours trully