More threads by OnMeds


I think this would be for the best. I'm sort of attached to this place now, and I don't want that, nor do I need it. Getting banned and being unable to register again (for a month or two) would be a great relief for me (like a weight being lifted off my shoulders). But that's just me.

Anyway, who can help me out? Please do!

I thank you all for everything you've done to help me out. Best wishes :airkiss: !

Kind regards,

David Baxter PhD

Late Founder
Peter, I've set your account to inactive. You are free to return whenever you wish. Just let me or one of the other administrators know and we'll reset your account.
Hmmm.... If you genuinely feel that this place is somehow causing you harm, of course I'd want nothing more than for you to take a break. I'm just finding it really, really hard to see how that could be the case!

I know I've come staggering in here in pretty sorry shape a few times, and I always found that I was not only welcomed, but also actually felt relieved in the end to be in the company of other people who had some sense of what I was going through. I'm having a hard time seeing the harm in having the friendship and support that this place provides.

I can tell that you're still feeling confused and... well, downright crazy inside. Good grief, don't let that keep you out of here! It seems to me that it might be a good thing for ya to see for yourself that there are lots of other folks who've been in the same boat (or a different but equally unpleasant one).

It can be hard to find people out in 3D-land who genuinely understand the inner landscape of the mentally ill. Since they've not experienced anything like it themselves, it's not a thing they're capable of understanding... or even tolerating at times. If you feel that distancing yourself from the forum for awhile would be genuinely beneficial to you somehow, then I suppose it's the right thing to do. Just please bear in mind that the tool you are using to make this decision - your mind - is under a lot of stress at the moment and could just possibly be misled by the illness that's affecting it. It's hard sometimes to separate what the illness is saying from what we actually know to be true, and I hope you won't be led astray.

Personally, I hope you stick around and take advantage of the rare opportunity that this place provides.

Take care.
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