You may also have luck searching Google, such as using the name of your county or zip code.
could help with some other issues like my bowel problem and such.
Your IBS-like symptoms, combined with your depression/anxiety, may be a good enough reason to get a SSRI from an E.R. I believe, however, that going to a E.R. will affect your credit rating eventually since the resulting bill for being seen in a E.R. -- even if they don't do anything for you except see you -- is basically an expensive, unpaid bill that will be sent to collections.
The same is true with hospitalization. Even if you can find a community-based behavioral healthcare center that offers psych hospitalization without needing to pay upfront, they will still bill you. (But my guess is they will probably be less likely than the E.R. to send the bill to collections.)
That has primarily to do with correlation rather than causation -- people who are depressed tend to think of suicide. The suicide rate went down (not up) when Prozac was first released.
I will look into it but I think staying in the hospital for a bit would benefit me some. also could help with some other issues like my bowel problem and such.
I was once on SSDI and medicad but I got off of it. now this depression is move up