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"You are the only resource we have on this person, and it doesn't sound pretty."

This is why, more than anything, I'm upset with myself for portraying something once again in a light that isn't necessarily realistic.

The situation is... Uncomfortable for me. I don't have any clue what to do. Even listening for "wise mind"... Am I supposed to move on and let go? Am I supposed to keep clinging? I don't ask those for answers at all.. Just as an example of black/white thinking.

What I guess I am finally seeing is that I need to concentrate on myself, but that does not make it any easier to deal with the feelings involved, the flawed logic, and what I would like, or even what I should do, despite having some inkling of sense... Because I know very much that it won't be the last time the monster gets me... Or attacks him, if he even decides to stick around at this point.

"Have you met with the social worker yet?"

Appointment is in two weeks... It feels like forever!


Which sounds healthier in the long term if you could see your reflection: letting go, or clinging?

Anyhow, g'night Willow, where I am, the morning comes very early. (meaning anytime, anywhere, I have to get up, is too early for me). Sweet dreams kiddo. (and thank you for giving us all cause to think of you, and ourselves, for we have all displayed inconsistencies throughout our lives that have required 2nd opinions)
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