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No insult intended...just couldn't resist myself as you did leave yourself open for it. ;) ;)

Maybe I should have been like Janet with "no comment" but I just couldn't resist.



"I don't have to hang around here to be insulted. I have hundreds of people waiting to insult me." ~ Bill Murray, Ghostbusters
LOL--You're not exactly proving your point by quoting Ghostbusters! :lol:



I was thinking the same thing.......quoting Ghostbusters and trying to claim that he is not weird. :eek:mg:

He should just join the rest of us. 8)



I just wanted to come and tell you guys that I'm officially psychlinked out--I've started drawing smiley faces on my homework (and frown faces too when I don't like the question)...
:eek: :yikes:



Did you get a tattoo? If so what is it?

More importantly where did you put it on your body? :unsure:




As I understand it, tatoos involve pain. Pain is not something I do well :rolleyes: If there would have been a chicken smiley, I would have used it :cool:



Pain is not something I do well If there would have been a chicken smiley, I would have used it

Are you a big chicken? It don't matter anyway. 😭

Pain is something that is never far from my life so I never fear it.

I gotta say that since you posted this topic, I have thought about getting one.

If I could get this smiley :wacko: tattooed on my forehead then I definately would go for it.



maybe it's because I'm old but I don't think tattoos are attractive. Even the butterfly, floral types I don't see as enjoyable art. The colours seem blah especially when faded. Tattoos covering exstensive areas are really gross!

I still associate tattoos with biker gangs because during my adolescence those are the only people besides sailors who had them!

I avoid pain at all costs...even for art. But I did get my ears pierced at 14.

Art belongs on paper, canvas, walls etc., not skin.


and to rain a little more on the tattoo parade.

I saw a poster just recently that had a pic of a young man and his baby daughter that said; John didn't know he had Hepatitis C until several years later when Sarah was born and had some kind of reference to him getting it from having tattoos.

Here is an excerpt from an article about Hepatitis C :

"Most importantly, we found that commercially acquired tattoos accounted for more than twice as many hepatitis C infections as injection-drug use," Haley said. "This means that it may have been the largest single contributor to the nationwide epidemic of this form of hepatitis."

Hepatitis C can be passed through tattooing by reuse of tattooing needles or dye, inadequate sterilization of tattooing needles between customers, or breaks in sterile technique such as the artist pricking the back of his or her hand to test the needle's sharpness. Few states have hygienic regulations to ensure safe tattooing practices in commercial tattoo parlors, and even fewer monitor and enforce standards.

The rest of the article is here


I don't think people should concern themselves with whether a tattoo they are getting will be viewed as beautiful or grotesque. If it is something you want then I say go for it. But keep in mind it will be with you for the rest of your life, so with that considered make sure it is something really like. I have a tattoo of some stars on my right hip and I absolutely adore it. I thought about it for almost a year before I actually got it to make sure it was something I definitely wanted. It also was important to me to get it in a spot that was too visible so it wouldn't affect me negatively someday when I want a career. I didn't mind the pain at all, I guess it could have something to do with the fact I'm a cutter, and I'm sort of addicted to pain in a way. I have 9 piercings (and planning on getting more), and the pain is kind of what I look forward to. I hope I don't sound too weird.


I have two tatoos. I have no plans now to get another, but it's strange - I think I would rather go through the pain of getting a tattoo rather than a piercing. I got my ears pierced when I was 5 - for my birthday - and I was extremely brave and relaxed - I even remember it and it wasn't bad. But when I think about piercing now - I don't know, but I just hate that sudden sharp kind of pain.
I don't regret my tattoos at all, and they haven't caused me any problems on the job. Even as a teacher. They're really easy to hide. One is on my right hip and the other on my left shoulder. If I get around to it, I might get some colour added to the tiger on my shoulder. I was always afraid that getting colours would make them look tacky, so everything is just black and grey. But, now I like colour on tattoos.
There are so many clean tattoo parlors that take all the precautions. I guess it's always a risk no matter what, but that's why you should insist that they show you how they take the new needle out of the package and how they break it when they're finished with it. I beleive most places do this weather you ask or not.
Hi Diana,

Thats cool your a teacher right. What you do teach. I always remember my high school being really cold in all the rooms. But I can see way it would be an issue for the school no offence. It would be a good example for the student. If you know what I mean. But I like tats . I really have never had a problem with my tattoos at work. Im sure that If I ever go back to working at the hospitol it might become an issue.
Yes getting any piercing hurts -the ears thats not so bad. I was going through some kind of a crazy faze. I wanted to experiance everything.


I personally like the purple and blue on on the bottom. That of course is my personal opinion and the decision is completely up to you on whether you do or don't and what you get. It has to be a personal decision is the picture is going to be on you for the rest of your life.

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