Dances Without Toes said:I am not a big fan of faces in tattoos. I think it can be harder to make them look good and sometimes they come out looking really creepy.
Toeless said:Cool. I am not a big fan of faces in tattoos. I think it can be harder to make them look good and sometimes they come out looking really creepy. Animals faces, on the other hand, can look pretty good. The dragon I have has a small face but even it looks a little strange to me. I still like it, but it's not my favorite part.
Oh yeah? Well I would have spelled that differently.Mr.Spellcheck said:I would have phrased that diffeerntly.
:shocked: NO!! :shocked: :shocked: :shocked:I've got a dragon too!
LOL~Sometimes he just makes it too easyToeless: You got him!! well done. heh heh
Toeless said:Have you ever heard of getting the tattoo done over again to freshen it up and fix any breaks in the lines or anything? I have always remembered being told that you should have tattoos done twice in order for them to look their best. Of course, I have never been able to put myself through more pain for the same tattoo...but I was wondering if you had heard of that? Or also getting it redone if you wanted the colors changed...? I wonder how well that would work.
My dragon was almost orange but at the last minute I changed to blue.
David Baxter said:"touchups"?
is that anything like pushups or situps?
I think a lot of times they do. That's when touch ups can come in handy. They can brighten up the colour.Do the colours change over time such as from black to blue?
It varies but I think sun exposure can substantially accelerate fadingHow long does it take for them to fade?
I would agree with that :yikes:I think it's more painful