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Resident Canuck
To correct my American friend Daniel. On the right it appears to be in a ziplock bag.

Here is what the pre-packaged bagged milk really looks like, from a Canadians prospective :p

Also shown is the neat invention of the milk pitcher for easy pouring :D


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Resident Canuck
:rofl: I can see that Daniel. :lol:

We even have wine in "bag in a box" they call it. Even as a Canadian I find that scary! :lol: When at work we broke the box, the wine in the bags looks more Medical Convention-ey than the milk, trust me :teehee: The wine has a spout attached to the bag. :yikes3:

Not all the wine comes in the foil type bags, some are clear :yikes3: I happen to think this was an American thing :p


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Resident Canuck
I was buying chocolate milk in the 3 bag when I first went on Effexor. The dry mouth was awful and the cold chocolate milk was so soothing.

If it weren't for the bagged milk. I would have had sore arms carrying the jugs and cartons :p


...Here is what the pre-packaged bagged milk really looks like, from a Canadians prospective..
Just returned to this thread.
That bag looks as if it would be awfully hard to pour it and then, after being openend, to store it without it getting everywhere.
From milk-bagless Australia :)

amastie added 6 Minutes and 32 Seconds later...

..The "Ch?teau cardboard" was invented in South Australia, so we are both safe from embarrassment:...
You mean, I'm not? :blush:!
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David Baxter PhD

Late Founder
No it isn't at all. You get a made to fit plastic resuable milk jug, put in the bag, snip the corner diagonally for a pour spot, et voila! C'est fait! :)


No it isn't at all. You get a made to fit plastic resuable milk jug, put in the bag, snip the corner diagonally for a pour spot, et voila! C'est fait! :)
Oh. Ok.
I forgot that French is the second? national language in Canada. That I *do* envy. Love that language. Don't speak it but for a few basic words, but love the sound of it :)


Didn't know that there was a Quebec variant.
But then I don't know much about a lot of things :lol:
I can live with that.


I'm sneaking in - found a video with the quebecois accent Amastie (so you could hear it):

Quebecois accent: YouTube - Expressions québécoises

How on earth do you find them!? :)
Thanks heaps .. again, and again.
Between you and Daniel, I have my day filled with resource - even without the mountain of resource provided by Psychlinks overall :)

On a totally unrelated note, I wonder if it is some kind of Freudian slip that I keep leaving the ")" off the "smile" smiley and keep haing to "edit" my posts as soon as I've posted them to correct that :confused:


Ok, having been listening to that YouTube video, yes, I can see what you mean David. Not as nice at all!

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