I'm sending out the biggest apologies to everyone here!! I'm so, so sorry for everything i've said recently! There's so much that is petrifying me, i don't know how else to cope with it! I know that telling people that im going to do myself in is not the best way of asking for help, but i have seriously thought about it, on and off for a long time! I know the impact suicide has on others as it has occurred in my life a few times, although impact is not what i think about initially and that is a selfish thing to do!! I have to admit that when i think about this stuff, 1) its so that i can have a little control of my life/death and 2)It's to make other people realise how crap things really are! 3) I don't like to admit but i need people that have caused me pain/grief in the past, to feel a little guilt for what has happened to me in the past and in the presant!! Its not revenge, i promise! It's more that i want recognition!! I try to be strong, only im not strong really because all i crave for the most in my life is to have a hug with my mum! I still miss her as if im still a child, i crave her love, her attention!! I know this will never happen and it hurts deep into the core of my body and unfortunately it comes out in anger against myself, its easier to live with (for me)!! I'm sorry for any angst i may have caused!! I guess im not good at expressing my thoughts and feelings, i can relay to people know how it makes me want to react!! Its not good, but its how i am!!