Anti-Canadian Content (Laughing With Us, Not At Us) Pt. 5
Aug 13, 2020 #707 David Baxter PhD Late Founder The Canadian Bill of Rights clearly states that Canadian citizens are allowed to complain about anything and everything anytime they want to. That's Freedom baby!
The Canadian Bill of Rights clearly states that Canadian citizens are allowed to complain about anything and everything anytime they want to. That's Freedom baby!
Aug 13, 2020 #708 Daniel E. Administrator Here in Arizona, it is too hot right now to complain or do anything else
Aug 13, 2020 #709 David Baxter PhD Late Founder We just finished the most recent heat wave up here. Getting some pleasant weather for a change and it looks like decent weather all next week too.
We just finished the most recent heat wave up here. Getting some pleasant weather for a change and it looks like decent weather all next week too.
Aug 17, 2020 #714 Daniel E. Administrator "As a citizen of Saskatchewan, it means turn right at Moose Jaw."
Aug 19, 2020 #717 Daniel E. Administrator Canadian zoo faces charges after taking bear out for ice cream at Dairy Queen