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MVP, Forum Supporter
Has anyone found that positive things turn into obessions for them? For example, about a year ago I started exercising more to help control my weight and just to feel good and to relieve anxiety. It really helped and made a big difference. Then slowly I found I was doing more and more exercise. Now it is to the point where I am exercising after every meal. I dont think I have an eating disorder but now every time I eat a meal, I have to go and exercise. Do you think this is ok or is it another obessive and compulsive behaviour that snuck up on me? I really thought I have been doing terrific, but now I am wondering if I let this positive thing get out of hand. Can anyone tell me what they think, I feel like I have lost my perspective yet again and you guys always seem to help me get it back.


I have/had that almost exact same problem. I ended up with some injuries and went and saw a sports medicine Dr. According to him it is obsessive so much so that he called my psychiatrist to talk about me possibly having OCD as well.

I felt like I was doing great too but it is very easy to slip from healthy to unhealthy.
The only thing I can suggest to you is maybe seeing if you can make yourself cut back and if it really, really seems to be to difficult then maybe you should talk to your Dr. Maybe you can get into some therapy or take a medication that will help.

For me I gave myself a couple more injuries on top of the ones I had because I didn't stop so that brought things to a halt, plus a new medication I am trying to get used to...otherwise I would probably have started again.

I'm sorry if that doesn't really help much, if anything I guess it lets you know that I understand what you might be going through. :support:


MVP, Forum Supporter
Sorry to hear about your injuries, I am kind of worried about the same thing, I have problems with my vision so I dont want to agrivate that by placing stress on my body. Its just hard because exercise is such a good way to get rid of anxiety.

I feel like such a pest on this forum with my wacked out obsessions and compulsions but I never know who to talk to about these things, I am kind of secretive about my issues which probably makes me a burden here. It seems that I get one obsession under control and others pop up without me even realizing it. You would think I would get better at realizing what is happening but I never do until it has a good solid hold on me.

I hope one day I get a lot smarter and then hopefully you won't be reading about any more of my posts wondering why I never seem to learn from my mistakes.


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You are not a burden here.

As I think you know, I have dealt with addiction and have been in recovery for the past few years. It takes alot of doing not to overdo anything that I start. I have it pretty much under control these days - but I get it.

Moderation in all things for my brain. Sometimes easier said then done.


Exercise really does help with anxiety! I get that totally.:goodjob: It's just finding the right balance that can be tricky.

Your "obsessions and compulsions" are not whacked at all. This is the perfect place to come to talk about those things as you will always find someone who understands and maybe it would be a good way for you to practice opening up more as well?
I understand dealing with one thing only to end up having to deal with another. It's frustrating. Actually when that Dr. suggested I might have OCD I just looked at him and laughed. He goes "no seriously" I just laughed again and said ok. It's like alright add another thing for me to deal with. lol
I think when people get things under control with out actually dealing with it and knowing why they were obsessed (for example) there is an uncomfortableness (ok, that may not be a word lol) still lingering and so it is replaced with another thing which becomes a new problem. That's totally just my brilliant opinion not fact or anything...

"I hope one day I get a lot smarter and then hopefully you won't be reading about any more of my posts wondering why I never seem to learn from my mistakes."

We all learn in different ways. With somethings we learn right away, others it takes a few times and I am sure there are things that people never learn.

You are smart, you are just figuring yourself out and that is not an easy task at all.:support:
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