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David Baxter PhD

Late Founder
I am so ignorant about geography.

There were only three courses I ever failed in my entire academic career from grade 1 to my Ph.D. (only mideterms; I always managed at least a pass in nthe final).

One was grade 1 history because I despised the teacher and refused to do her assignments.

One was geography because I found it intensely boring. And I always joked that even as an adult I navigate by landmarks and can get easily lost in some cities, or even finding my way home - thank goodness for GPS!

The third was economics, again because it was incredibly boring. And before accounting software linking to your bank account came along, I could never balance a checkbook properly. Every month was the same: compare checkbook balance to bank balance and add an amount called "Unknown error" to make them agree. :D

Daniel E.
Florida is the only U.S. geography most Canadians need to know anyway :D

(When I lived in Florida, I was shocked myself how cool it was in Flagstaff during the summer when visiting the Grand Canyon.)


Florida is the only U.S. geography most Canadians need to know anyway :D

(When I lived in Florida, I was shocked myself how cool it was in Flagstaff during the summer when visiting the Grand Canyon.)

there's actually 3 very common Canadian snowbird areas. Florida, Arizona and the Palm Springs, California area.

The Eastern Canucks fly down to Florida
Most here in the Prairies prefer Arizona and the old richer folks like my bud go to Palm Springs.


I am so ignorant about geography.
The third was economics, again because it was incredibly boring. And before accounting software linking to your bank account came along, I could never balance a checkbook properly. Every month was the same: compare checkbook balance to bank balance and add an amount called "Unknown error" to make them agree. :D

I love math (from statistics to formulas and especially counting pennies). Everything resolves down to numbers for me
(no not like RainMan counting toothpicks)
even understanding and playing music its just basic math.

I've been doing my own accounting with excel spreadsheets regularly since 2014. It's the only thing I have managed to stop procrastinating about over time. Something gets paid or money comes in it's entered the same day 99% of the time.

EDIT: checks I only make 1 a month now because that's the only way (or cash) to pay the rent.


Back to the topic:

1 - I’m debt free since Jan 2015 because I keep track of my spending and budget. Don’t got much but what I got’s mine not the credit company’s. And except for the extended period on Wellbutrin my savings are going up instead of down.

2 - I haven’t paid bank fees or interest in a long time i used to pay cash for everything except bill payments and online purchases . I started using my new cash back credit cards cards for just about everything to eliminate any possibility of paying bank fees and It gets paid in full when the statement comes in.

3 - Visa pays me now to use their card not the other way around. Let the merchant pay the fees after all they don’t give me a discount for paying cash anymore like many used to do years ago.

Bonus: satellite tv is still not at 4K and 7mbps Internet is just fast enough for HD streams but not for 4K so the itch I’ve been having to get a 65” 4K TV to replace my little 58” TV is not as itchy anymore. I’m sure putting it off till down the road a 75” will be the equivalent price of the current 65’s. Till then The moula is mine :)
having Christmas dinner tonight everything is ready turkey is cooking just small get together daughter twin and one brother myself and hsb
did all business this morning banking last minute grocery shopping done
table is all set so just going to relax a bit oh have to remember stuffing
  1. Stayed cool yesterday (despite top temp of 35C where my relatives live).
  2. Lazy cubano sandwich for lunch.
  3. I have the chance to practise my patience today. Setting up mum's fitbit (that she's had for like 3 years and had started to set up but never figured it out), despite forgotten passwords and having to reinstall the app... only to hear "Oh, we had another one that's better? I want that one instead." Had a mini rant (and maybe told her that the only way she's getting the other one is if she swaps phones with dad when I set his up tomorrow) but all is calm.
:lol: A regular cubano sandwich is a grilled sandwich with ham, pork, cheese, pickle and mustard on a cuban roll/bread.
A lazy one is sans whatever ingredients one doesn't have - in my case, no pork and on regular sliced bread... And without mustard because I'm picky and only like mild/American mustard. So really it was just a grilled ham and cheese sandwich with a pickle, but giving it a name sounds more appetising. ;)
Hmm... 3 hours proving that I should never be trusted in a bakery, or 30 seconds getting sliced bread from the freezer?

Daniel E.
1. Got an Amazon deal last week on little cans of low-sodium V8 juice, and now it's one of my favorite drinks.
2. Making friends with quail and other birds by giving them food and water.
3. Have started recycling cans by collecting them to take to the scrap yard.
  1. Made some progress in a game today (past a boring cutscene that I had to keep repeating until I got the outcome I wanted with odds of 2/25).
  2. Got to bed earlier tonight.
  3. Decided to postpone something that wasn't urgent.


1 - itched, twitched and fidgeted but still haven't spent a penny on any boxing week deals.

2 - Finally assembled my storage shelves (only option was in my bedroom) and started unpacking the tool bins and reorganizing the storage closet at the same time. Only 10 months after moving in and over 3 months with all my tool bins in the living room.

3 - My friend is finally leaving ICU after 3 weeks into a regular room today. This week she lost 45 lbs of fluid in 3 days! Yes, its not a typo! Forty-five pounds of fluid in 3 days! She should get her phone and be able to use it so I should get the real rundown sometime soon of everything that went down since she called me to tell me she was at the hospital but not to worry that she was OK... :)

** On the not so bright side: Found out Christmas Day that I will be losing my garage rental at the end of January. :(
Only chance of getting another one is to charm the lady that has the garage next to mine but her family decided she's not renting it out anymore to avoid any more complications as with the previous guy. I have no problem sharing as long as I can get my car in I'm happy so will have to see if I can pull a rabbit out of my … n this one!
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