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Re: 3 Positive Things

I applied for a new job. Even if I don't get it, the experience of applying and interviewing is always good.

I forgot my bank card today, so I didn't spend any money at work. :D

It might thunderstorm tonight. I love thunder and lightning.
Re: 3 Positive Things

1) I ordered our new phones from that catalogue I was awarded at work! Desperately need new phones because our old cordless landlines are a bit beat up and drop calls or die unexpectedly...

2) Applied for full time and I think I have enough seniority to get it!!!!!!

3) Had an amazing visit with our next door neighbours a couple days ago. They fed us with so much food and it was so delicious! And very nice company: we got to hang out with our Newfie neighbour and his lovely girlfriend. They are a really good team when it comes to barbecuing. Also it sounds like she has found her soul mate in our neighbour and vice versa. 8)


MVP, Forum Supporter
Re: 3 Positive Things

1. prescription sun glasses - the best
2. an orange kitten named Mark
3. reading a great book


Re: 3 Positive Things

Pulled off a successful retirement dinner for a colleague.
Saw some people I haven't seen since I've been sick. No one died :D
Just watched The Big Bang Theory and laughed. (I LOVE that show)


Re: 3 Positive Things

Just watched The Big Bang Theory and laughed. (I LOVE that show)[/QUOTE]
Gardens, I also love the show! Always picks up my day, Thanks for the post!
Re: 3 Positive Things

decided to go to zoo today with the family and grandaughter
ate a yogurt for breakfast way to get my pill into me
help my girl hang out her laundry

ihave to say the sun is up yay good day for a zoo trip hope it is not tooo hot though
Re: 3 Positive Things

1. waved to my neighbor
2. naming as many ice cream flavors as I can off the top of my head
3. going to the supermarket to look around and buy groceries


Re: 3 Positive Things

The first two cats I groomed tonight attacked me which made me appreciate the third one who didn't.

Ive been making a conscious effort to eat healthier lately so I had a salad for dinner tonight.

One of our pilots bought me a latte today.
Re: 3 Positive Things

1. My garden is overflowing with tomatoes, so we had bacon and tomato on toast today...
2. Still had a pile left so gave some to our very nice neighbour...
3. Still have a pile left so will make some tomato sauce tomorrow! lol
Re: 3 Positive Things

1. Met up with some friends.
2. Used an ATM for the first time.
3. Bought some bright blue jeans.
Re: 3 Positive Things

1. My husband played me a song that he made up about ME on his guitar!! ♥♥♥

2. My dog came and slept with me on the bed for a while this morning when he was let out of his kennel. When he wasn't feeling well he would barely move, but now that he has allergy medication it's a joy to my heart that he's been so much more active and high-spirited! 8)

3. I like to come to my computer in the morning and see these notifications and hear about what makes other people happy!


Re: 3 Positive Things

Always a foundation for an excellent day... :panic:

I don't give up easily, but when kitty #1 went completely Kujo like I've never seen before, I had to call in the reinforcements. #2 wasnt as bad but still nailed me. #3 just laid there perfectly. For some odd reason, I still love grooming cats.


Re: 3 Positive Things

It's 10am and I'm still in bed :D.

I had therapy yesterday and it went really well. :D:D

I am off today and am going to enjoy every second of it. :D:D:D


Re: 3 Positive Things

Oooh Oooh I have more!

I had a yummy peanut butter and chocolate chip sandwich for breakfast. It was soooo good.

I applied to Inflight last week (twice the pay, half the work) and followed up with the recruiter this morning. It could go very well for me!

Jillian let me sleep til almost 6am, which is a small miracle considering we are usually up around 3am for work.


MVP, Forum Supporter
Re: 3 Positive Things

1. Turtle's positive positive posts
2. Tim Horton's coffee in the sunshine
3. Casey and Finnegan and an early though friendly wake up call...
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