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Re: 3 Positive Things

Aww, nope it was Aussie time zone stuff - only 5:42pm when I made the post. I hope you managed to get to sleep.

Yeah, I agree. I've found that it's really peaceful and calming to just look out over the water. I've only just started going for walks but hopefully it'll be something I'll turn into a regular activity.


Re: 3 Positive Things

Had my favourite meal today for lunch. Plain couscous with boiled vegetables like chick peas, carrots, squash and cabbage.

Went to go and speak with the nurse because I was getting overwhelmed with thoughts. She was really nice and comforting and gave me a hug and wiped my tears.

Spoke to my sister and 2 1/2 year old niece and genuinely laughed. My niece is developing so fast. She's mixing three languages and it's so funny and interesting to hear. And it was nice speaking to my sister too.


Re: 3 Positive Things

I can't believe it but I've been really struggling with finding three positive things lately, but I think I finally did.

1) I am going to Bonaire in just under two weeks, for a one week dive trip. For those of you thinking "Where's Bonaire?", its 45 miles north of Venezuela in the Caribbean Sea! It will be 30+ degrees Celcius all day, every day. Just sayin....and they have gigantic iguanas who will crawl up and sit on me (just me apparently).

2). I am really struggling with my moods and meds right now, leaving me in a less than pleasant state to be with, but its giving us some important insight into where I'm actually at and what kinds of adjustments we might need to make. So as much as it sucks balls now, it should lead to good stuff later.

3). I start my new work schedule next week and I'm taking two and a half days off every week, no exceptions. I'm really excited to just chill and hang out with the animals (except the cat cause I don't really like him anyway. The dogs and pig are cool though.)


Re: 3 Positive Things

Tomorrow is my last morning at work. Then I switch to evenings and sleeping in. Yay!

I passed the first interview for inflight. Second and final interview is this Wednesday. I should know within two weeks after that if I am successful.

I bought a new winter coat this year which is keeping me warm during our mini snowmageddon here in the west. Turtle shells are definitely not insulated for cold weather. :(


Re: 3 Positive Things

Trying my best to see the positives.

The weather has just totally flipped overnight to winter and they've put on the radiators in the hospital, it's really cosy. Time to go splash out on some winter clothes as nothing from last winter for me I put on so much weight!

I just woke up from a dream that I was getting married and both of my deceased grandmothers were in the dream and it was really nice. I miss them :( I miss a bigger family. Not that it was that big anyway but when my mum was having an affair with a family friend, once they were caught when I was 15 years old, she left off with him to live with him and at the same time, all of my mums side of the family disappeared so it was a huge chunk of abandonment and it sucked. To feel unloved and unworthy like that.

I am feeling calm. 5.30am, now, is the best time of day for me. I don't stress myself out that I can't sleep and I'm just cosy under my blankets with a storm raging outside. I'll get up at 6am when they open the kitchen to have a coffee, a little square of chocolate and a chocolate and vanilla flavoured cigarette. That's how I like to start my day.

Goodnight North America. ;)
Re: 3 Positive Things

Sun is shining today after a very stormy night of thunder and rain
I had a good sleep once i finally went down
pain is less today and i have not been sick once since i left hospital so perhaps i am getting better i will stay on full fld diet for awhile


Re: 3 Positive Things

Regardless of my shape and state of mind, I went out to the mall today. I said that I needed to get out of the hospital as I've been back for 3 1/2 weeks and haven't been out at all.

All of my clothes from last winter are way to small on me because I've put on so much weight during my hospitalisation so I have no winter clothes.

I went on an absolute shopping spree using my hard earned savings. I spent the equivalent of $250 USD just on my nieces. My sister and her husband are low on money so it's my pleasure to buy them loads of winter clothes that they need. Keep the babies warm ;)

Then spent another $250 USD on a beautiful pair of boots. They'll last me a long time.

And another $500 USD on clothes. Two skirts, 2 jumpers, 2 long sleeve tops, 3 cardigans, a long warm coat, 2 zip up/button up fleeces and sweatshirts.

We'll see if my credit card company will call me up after spending all of that money in one day!

It was good retail therapy.


MVP, Forum Supporter
Re: 3 Positive Things

I woke up to the outside covered in a blanket of crisp white snow. It covers all the trees and is deeply on the ground and looks like a winter wonderland postcard. Amazing, winter is serious about showing her return. Soon I will be ice skating!

A perfect day for relaxing and watching movies.

a perfect morning for a hot cup of flavored tea and I have one that tastes like cinnamon.
Re: 3 Positive Things

1.) I have slept early and at the same time woke up early in the morning then do a little walk in the backyard
2.) All the pain and worries was gone by someone visited in our house
3.) we have a happy family relationship
Re: 3 Positive Things

girl birthday tomorrow i was able to get out and get her some gifts
we spent evening watching tv together
i love it when she is smiling and happy god i wish it could always be that way


Re: 3 Positive Things

I finally got tired of losing everything and bought a wallet. Now I feel like a big girl when I pull out my wallet and it has a debit card or some ID in it :D.

Only a few more days til I go on vacation and I'm actually feeling like I'll be ready. I haven't booked flights yet but no last minute packing stress.

I have a job interview tomorrow and I'm not stressed at all. It is what it is and I'll do my best and after that its out of my hands. Speaking of hands, I'm going to get my nails done today though so they at least look nice :).


MVP, Forum Supporter
Re: 3 Positive Things

1. Laughter - I love humour!
2. Snuggling with a 75 lb black lab who thinks he's a lap dog
3. Sharing honest feelings without judgement
Re: 3 Positive Things

decided to go back to work this weekend i hope it works out ok
sun is up brought my twin a coffee and my mother piece of birthday cake
pain is less today staying on low fat diet is hard but i am following it


Re: 3 Positive Things

There is a glimmer of hope that appeared to me today after yesterday. The doctors have decided that I can do the ECT and I can only say that I hope it helps me. I see the possible light at the end of the tunnel with the ECT and DBT.


MVP, Forum Supporter
Re: 3 Positive Things

1. Great dinner at home
2. Big Bang Theory. - love that show
3. Just about the weekend :)


Re: 3 Positive Things

1. Made homemade cinnamon buns.

2. Didn't return an e-mail from a person who is threatened by my moving on...

3. Decided that jujubes are a forgivable sin - and bought a huge bag. Ate only the colours that I like.
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