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MVP, Forum Supporter
Re: 3 Positive Things

Little "mini-holidays" or "mini-breaks" like that... I suppose especially if there's something enjoyable and recharging involved.... can really be wonderful and make a big difference. Then people can get used to it a bit more and get used to being treated in a lovely, caring and loving way by ourselves! :) It helps us to give a healthier, happier and better "self" to others too, and teaches the message that balance, self-care and valuing the self is good and right. :)

I find this recharging important for myself, and so worry for people who are very busy working and/or with a large number of duties and responsibilities though, who literally almost can't make these times happen at all.... But I guess sometimes people can even find just an hour or two, or let some less-important tasks get a bit behind for a day or two, if some tasks don't create a huge problem just being left undone for a bit.


Re: 3 Positive Things

Turtle - ! Why are you shaving cats? I do hope that it's for a medicinal purpose... winter is coming.. :unsure:

some people get them shaved because they are matted, others because they can't stand the shedding. Most cats where I live are indoor cats so not too big of a deal for them. I shave lots of cats...I have quite a reputation where I live for doing good cat grooms!

---------- Post Merged at 03:27 PM ---------- Previous Post was at 02:51 PM ----------

I got to Ottawa - no hurricane is gonna stop me!!

I started dealing with a really difficult topic in therapy that I didn't think I would ever deal with.

I get to sleep in tomorrow. Yay!!


MVP, Forum Supporter
Re: 3 Positive Things

1. Suddenly realised an issue I had not put my finger on previously. A thread reminded me of a resource to use and had a new one that looked useful.

2.SBS over here is hosting the 7Up life documentaries for a limited time. They're amaaazing.

3. I'm ignoring some everyday stuff this week which means I'm doing some soulfeeding. (YES THATS RIGHT YOU HEARD ME, I'm attempting to make mess in the house be a positive. Here's my card, I also do political PR spin)


Re: 3 Positive Things

Three positive things today...
1. The show stopper: got a rave review on my astrology project from my teacher and mentor (yaayy! painful editing process - but yaayy!)
2. Did a huge load of hand laundry and remembered how my grandmother taught me to wash clothes by hand...she was from Wales, and remembered the sinking of the Titanic... she was 12 at the time...
3. realized that maybe it's ok not to want to belong to groups for a while... maybe I'm doing necessary processing for a future stage...besides - some groups are positive and beneficial... and others not so much... you have the right to decide and choose... :thewave:


Re: 3 Positive Things

Woke up at 6:58 this morning, but soon realized I was wrong and it was 8:58 and that I actually slept in for once.

Had a slice of the double chocolate chip cake again and a can of pepsi for breakfast.

Happy there's no rain/snow and ice today.


MVP, Forum Supporter
Re: 3 Positive Things

* helps lost-in-thought search for some sort of "rebellious kid/fight for your right to party" smiley, to stick it to Dr. Baxter *



MVP, Forum Supporter
Re: 3 Positive Things

Flour = wheat grains!
Looking better and better!

I think weve got our work cut out for us with the pepsi though...

Re: 3 Positive Things

1. Had a good meeting with my boss to discuss where I'm up to and how things are going, and where things will hopefully be heading within the next couple of years of me working there.
2. Went out after work with some new work friends.
3. Back home early which is good.


Re: 3 Positive Things

Had oatmeal for breakfast. It didn't taste as good as cake and pepsi, but a little healthier I suppose.

I don't work until later today so that gives me time to get some things done that I have been putting off.

I swear it looked like my dog smiled at me when I got up this morning. She loves me, unconditionally.


Re: 3 Positive Things

I have training tomorrow at our head office. They have the best food ever in the cafeteria here. I had an omelette for breakfast and I'm having a smoothie and scone for lunch. So. Darn. Good.

I slept until noon yesterday and I make no apologies for it. I love my nice warm bed with my pig curled up with me.

I have an interview next week for Inflight. I'm trying not to get too excited because I don't think my French is good enough but at least it's a step in the right direction and even if my French isn't good enough now maybe they will hire me when they are looking to hire English-speaking again.


Re: 3 Positive Things

Felt calmer today, just trying to stay calm!

Decided it was about time to get my infected ingrowing toenail taken care of so have started 10 days of antibiotics. Took the time to bathe it and look after it.

I don't deserve to self-harm. I need to be kind to myself so that is my positive psychology for this weekend.
Re: 3 Positive Things

1. Went out to get some stuff I needed.
2. Made a phone call that I had to make - tough but I pushed myself to do it and it's all done now.
3. Going to reward myself and relax with a walk by the river.


Re: 3 Positive Things

Gooblax...are you up in the middle of the night texting - or is it the Australian down under time thing?! It's 3:45 am here and I can't sleep...
Do you like walking by the river regularly? I totally love being by water... it's so calming...And the bigger it is = the better I feel...

My positive things for yesterday:
1. Tried a new recipe with sauteed fennel, purple onions and green apples with Italian herbs - delicioso!
2. Double sewed the velcro onto a project TWO TIMES - and had the patience to pick it out and do it again
3. Discovered what was bothering me about an astrology chart I've been working on: it's all about a gay guy,
5 challenges to his moon, or emotional outlet - and his mother

Katieann :saturn:
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