More threads by betterorworse

Re: 3 Positive Things

Mother more alert today spent some time with her
Took my daughter shopping
resting a bit now before i get supper on.


MVP, Forum Supporter
Re: 3 Positive Things

not so stressed today
enjoyed the quiet solitude and therapy of painting an empty flat
and then felt happy to be home
Re: 3 Positive Things

got my girl off to work
i did some shopping for food cupboards were bare lol
i actually prepared some supper for tonight just have to turn everything on shortly


MVP, Forum Supporter
Re: 3 Positive Things

1. Reminded myself that I cannot do everything that I'd like to do or would be ideal to do in a perfect world, all the time.

2. Reminded myself that people respond variously to various things for various reasons. I can't read their minds, and furthermore, people's responses to things do not affect/reflect my worth or "okayness" one jot.

3. But at the same time, improvements in selfmanagement are needed at the moment. I performed four actions in pursuit of that.
Re: 3 Positive Things

1. Assembled my desk, other than the little door - I'll do that after this post.
2. Apparently I did ok at work with the thing I was doing.
3. Weekend.


Re: 3 Positive Things

I (well my therapist lol) figured out a dose of sleeping pills that lets me sleep but doesn't keep me in a zombie state the next day. I can actually wake up now.

I worked an evening shift last night which is new - I usually only work mornings but I really enjoyed it, which is good because I bid evenings for the next schedule.

Jillian is home again. She is being a rotten teenager but I still love her dearly :lol:.


Re: 3 Positive Things

Made the decision to go to my very first support group. I've done lots of therapy - but this is my first support group! Starts on Monday.
Had a good work week.
It's friday and I'm relaxing with a cup of tea.


Re: 3 Positive Things

It's FRIDAY!!! (Well, *my* Friday :D). I gave away tomorrow's shift because I didn't want to get up at stupid o'clock, but I picked up some grooming dogs at my other job so I'll still work, just not at stupid o'clock.

I am trusting therapy more and more, just by asking lots of seemingly-lame but important-to-me questions.

My mom (bless her heart) laundered my blankets that my cat, er, um, well...anyway they were nice and fresh last night for bed :).

And the bonus - I haven't had any anxiety this past week. Woot woot!
Re: 3 Positive Things

Went grocery shopping, so:
1) I made garlic bread, lots of which is staying in the fridge to be cooked later.
2) I have enough bread for work lunches this week.
3) I got lightbulbs so my living room actually has light! Except they're flickering for some reason :lightbulb:


Re: 3 Positive Things

I went back to my psychiatrist today and although she wasn't happy to do it, she gave me a mood stabilizer.

I am considering quitting grooming because of th amount of pain I'm in, but need a good alternative. I got an amazing offer via email that could be very good in the long term and will definitely help in the short term (no, it doesn't have anything to do with a desperate widow who needs money transferred to America :lol:).

Jilly had a much-needed bath last night. She is snuggle-able again.


Re: 3 Positive Things

I had a bit of a war with my psychiatrist the other day but I won. I got a new prescription for my moods and am on day three now.

Its a nice quiet night in airline world. This leaves lots of time for socializing:).

I ordered a new winter coat from LL Bean that should be able to handle Albertawinters.


Re: 3 Positive Things

Jillian knows who's the boss in our house.

Sadly, I think it might be her. Have you ever heard a pig squeal? Guaranteed to get them what they want.

Therefore, by that logic, next time my psychiatrist gives me a hard time (if there is a next time; maybe I've taught her to respect me - ha!) - I just need to squeal like a pig.

---------- Post Merged at 09:45 PM ---------- Previous Post was at 09:42 PM ----------

Oh my goodness - what a cute pigture!

Ok, slow night at work = time to socialize (here)...but now I have to send a plane in to the great night sky. Nights are way easier than mornings. I think I've found my new favourite shift :lol:.


MVP, Forum Supporter
Re: 3 Positive Things

1. Found an awesome app on google play called T2 Mood Tracker. You can even use it to track something else instead, factors affecting health symptoms, whatever you want, because you can create new categories and factors and rating scales however you want. It can graph everything, compare individual factors, export results to pdf or whatever, to help out doctors etc with knowing everything in detail, easily. And it's free!

2. Found a killer magnesium supplement from Swisse, which also has black pepper extract. Flaming best and easiest thing so far for muscle soreness and crampiness.

3. Made an instruction sheet including supporting reasons and benefits, for how to perform a certain task in a non-idiotic/non-insanity producing way instead of a perfectionistic/compulsion-creating/misery-filled way. :) Hmm, now to put it where I'll see it... ;)
Re: 3 Positive Things

1) Joked around with coworkers yesterday.
2) Played some keyboard.
3) Late start at work today.


Re: 3 Positive Things

Three positive things...hhmmmm - Classics!

1. huge bubble baths
2. scented candles
3. soft cotton sheets

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