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Re: 3 Positive Things

I've just come upon this thread for the first time. It's marvellous.

1. Had a very insightful therapy session. Really broke some barriers and made leaps and bounds.

2. Finished making a piece of art for my nieces. A multicoloured caterpillar made from sequins. I am expecting a "wow" from the 2 year old (hopefully).

3. Had a nice conversation with a patient in hospital here and complimented her on her new haircut and colour. She gave me a big dimpled smile. (That means it was a genuine smile BTW!).
Re: 3 Positive Things

got out of my bed spent some time with my granddaughter today
bought her a big purse she liked from a second hand store she is a purse girl my granddaughter only 2yrs old lol
took granddaughter and daughter inlaw out for tea
now i have a reason to rest lol the little one wears me out


Re: 3 Positive Things

Every night my cat Bob calls me to bed at exactly 10:10 p.m.

Today I realized that the two lights I use to light my sewing area belonged to my grandmothers;
one taught me to sew, and the other was a tailor

Today I woke up with the sensation that my heart was strong like a furnace...


Re: 3 Positive Things

I made it through the day without a nap (this is a HUGE deal!).

I got to work safely this morning - the roads were shear ice and lots of cars in the ditch.

I have amazing grooming clients.


MVP, Forum Supporter
Re: 3 Positive Things

rofl ... or encourage an exercise program, while listening to self-help audios on little kitteh headphones.


Re: 3 Positive Things

My day was nothing short of ridiculous but some good *did* come out of it!

1) I've discovered I'm far less cranky when I don't have to get up at stupid o'clock (3am) for work. I'll be changing my work schedule next month to something that makes sense and is less stressful.

2) Jill is at the kennel for five nights. I love this pig but even this mom needs a break from her teenage pig from time to time!

3) Despite some stress I maintained a really good mood today and managed things well. This is a step in the right direction.

Oh and I got scones from Cobs.


Re: 3 Positive Things

"Stupid o'clock" LOL I hate that time of day too!
1. had a successful meeting today!
2. slept like a baby last night
3. ?? hmmm only 2 tonight :)
Re: 3 Positive Things

out of hospital now was so sick for 2 days straight
resting most day
no snow here yet yeh

---------- Post Merged at 05:37 PM ---------- Previous Post was at 05:10 PM ----------

well got a bath
actually washed my hair
funny how little things tire you
now i will take my girl to get her grapes


Re: 3 Positive Things

I don't like conflict or confrontation; it's something I need to work on in therapy. BUT, today I offloaded someone from a flight who had been drinking. He started to argue with me but I held my ground (and didn't cry!)...and he didn't fly. It felt good to stick to my guns and have the confidence to do so.

I am going away tonight on a "work retreat". Whatever...there will be hot springs. That's where I'll be "working" :lol:.

I slept with only a quarter of an Imovane last night. I don't feel tired today like usual. This is a good step forward.
Re: 3 Positive Things

able to keep down some food today
hosptial called booked my appt for tommorrow
twin sold her antique tub made some money for herself


Re: 3 Positive Things

The hot springs were closed, damnit!

---------- Post Merged at 07:10 PM ---------- Previous Post was at 02:22 PM ----------

I got to my work retreat and back safely (I hate driving and had to pull over on the way there cause I had a meltdown).

we were very well fed today.

i had a run-in/disagreement with my psychiatrist on Friday regarding my meds but I called her back last night and stood up for myself, saying that considering helping me in a month or two is not acceptable and I need help now. I'm not letting her bully me or write me off.


Re: 3 Positive Things

Today was/is my Friday! Hurrah!

Tomorrow is therapy. Hallelujah!

Wednesday is a "me" day - nails, bloodwork (ok that's not so fun), two hour massage...can't wait!!


Re: 3 Positive Things

I get to redeem my birthday presents today -massage, nails...yay! I'm just about to head out the door (thanks mom!)

i saw my aunt in Ontario yesterday and we had lunch. She has the cutest little dog that I just fell in love with.

my boss gave me an open limit on her credit card to go shopping for the business. I'm really good at spending other people's money :lol:.
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