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Re: 3 Positive Things

made it through another day
kept my anger inside did not release it kept it to me did not harm
i told my husband exactly what my thoughts are and why there he knows no hiding now
Re: 3 Positive Things

1. Bought some cough drops so that if I get a cold (like I think I'm getting :mad:) I'll at least be prepared for it.
2. Saw some awesome helicopters and F/A-18's on the weekend. :D :plane:
3. Making leftover lamb casserole into a pie... If only it would hurry up and cook.:tapfingers:


Dr. Meg, Global Moderator, Practitioner
Re: 3 Positive Things

1. The weather was amazing... even though I spent most of it inside!
2. I had an enjoyable catch up with a colleague when we both happened to arrive at work early.
3. The roll that I bought and was annoyed about it because it was so expensive turned out to be extremely tasty. Still not sure a pre-made roll should be $7.50, but was pretty good.


Full Member, Forum Supporter
Re: 3 Positive Things

I remember someone said to me that "what we focus on grows". This 3 Positive Things list forces us, for a moment to focus on our daily small (or big) positives and it helps us remember that there is also good stuff in our lives. I think it was such a good idea.

1. I thought about the positive things posting
2. I appreciated my life
3. I appreciate the struggles that others' deal with

Turtle - Piggy Love!!!!!


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Re: 3 Positive Things

It's a stay in bed kind of day. So I am.

if I get up later I'm gonna make some brownies. The ones I made the other night didn't exactly work out.

Peanut butter and chocolate chip sandwich. Mmmmm....I'm going for simple, guilty pleasures today :eek:.


Re: 3 Positive Things

One more thing today - my brownies didn't turn out AGAIN so there are no further expectations of me to bake them ever again! AND my boss said she'd make me some (hers always turn out). Double win for me :D.


Full Member, Forum Supporter
Re: 3 Positive Things

I kind of think there is no such thing as a failed brownie or failed cheesecake!


Re: 3 Positive Things

These brownies are awful. :yuck:

i got some baking advice tonight on how to improve them so I'm going to give it one last try and then I officially give up. I don't even like baking but I bought the mix at Costco so of course there is enough of it to bake for a small country.
Re: 3 Positive Things

was able to get energy to bake two pumpkin pies today one for mother and one for home
did something nice for my husband today he did not have it in him to do so i did it
visited my twin now im tired so will rest while pies are baking.


Re: 3 Positive Things

It's a stat holiday at work today so I'm making a lot of money to type this post....:coffee:

After not being very smart with my meds, I am feeling much better today.

Today is my Friday. Two days off in three hours.

---------- Post Merged at 03:42 PM ---------- Previous Post was at 03:15 PM ----------

I was really hungry earlier so I went on board one of our planes to get some cookies. Instead of giving me a package with two cookies in it, the flight attendant gave me a sleeve (14 packages with two cookies in each!). I'm totally addicted to these cookies so there were no shares-ies with my co-workers. They were sooooo good.


MVP, Forum Supporter
Re: 3 Positive Things

1. Nice relaxing weekend
2. The smell of clean laundry
3. A new ringtone on my cell phone


MVP, Forum Supporter
Re: 3 Positive Things

1. Trying to find ways to focus on the positive, one day at a time
2. I had a nice drive today and could appreciate the fall colours
3. My mother made my favorite cupcakes and i have put them in the freezer and they will be there for me when I am ready for them
Re: 3 Positive Things

cut my twin's grass for her just front yard
calmness remains no sadness no anger no pain
boiled some eggs for my girl to have for tomorrow and cut her up some grapefruit for breakfast
Re: 3 Positive Things

1. Made some progress on my task at work.
2. Mum's visiting in 2 days time to help me when my stuff gets delivered.
3. Cooked steak + egg + beans + mini salad with lemon for dinner. WIN.


Re: 3 Positive Things

Because of my job I have amazing opportunities that I would not have otherwise.

I had to fly east today and guess what they gave me? Lots of COOKIES!!!!

I had therapy today. SO incredibly grateful for therapy and my therapist.


Re: 3 Positive Things

Had a delicious lunch with a frind today whom I haven't seen in a while.

My mom came home from Montreal (I hate when she goes away).

I decided to go on a dive trip next month even though it means I'll have to work a million hours between now and then to pay for it.


Re: 3 Positive Things

Felt myself coming out of a downward spiral.
A coworker who struggles with mental illness asked me about my depression - felt good to share and hopefully help her out a bit.
Grateful for these positive posts by everyone!
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