More threads by betterorworse


Re: 3 Positive Things

Since today is International Talk Like a Pirate Day, I got to dress up and talk like a pirate at work.

My mom and her hubby have gone camping so I have the house to myself tonight.

I get to sleep in a wee bit tomorrow.


Re: 3 Positive Things

I like this thread. Gives me warm and fluffy feelings inside.

My 3 things:

1. Had a great meeting, one that can eventually bring people to come closer together and cooperate better
2. The soup I had for dinner was good
3. Managed to help a friend who was stuck with an assignment


Re: 3 Positive Things

1. I'm making coffee. It does wonders to improve my mood.

2. My youngest child's kindergarten class has too many people, so they hired another teacher and they're splitting the class in half.

3. After my shower, we're going to ride our bikes to his afternoon class. Who doesn't like to ride their bike?


Re: 3 Positive Things

1. I have awesome kids who sing and dance with me to the radio.

2. Muse returned to find a way out of the corner I painted myself into writing last week.

3. I found out I can still do a handstand.


Re: 3 Positive Things

I went on a vacation I didn't really want to go on, but ended up having a really good time.

I took five flights in four days and arrived at each of my destinations safely and on time.

I am learning new things about myself in therapy.


Re: 3 Positive Things

Because of this thread I find myself consciously seeking out good things even on bad days.

My boss pulled me aside today and told me that my positive attitude is inspiring and she wishes all her employees had it.

I got a $40 tip on a dog I groomed!


Re: 3 Positive Things

We rode our bikes to my youngest's school today. It's always a highlight. I get out of my head and I'm a part of the world around me. Tree's overhead, wind in my face and birds singing around me.

I cleared the cough that I had for over a week.

My Grandfather quit kidney dialysis after almost 10 years and it's been rattling around in the back of my head. Most people don't grow up with 4 living Grandparents or the 3 Great-Grandparents I had for some time. He's still my favourite. But I can see the differences he has made to our family and beyond. I'm starting to see he has much to celebrate and talking to him on skype. Despite his health, he's happy and loved by many. He doesn't have long and I'm not in a position that I can go to his funeral. But I feel very lucky to know him. I'm not sure if that's really a positive. But weirdly enough, I feel positive about this.


Re: 3 Positive Things

We rode our bikes to my youngest's school today. It's always a highlight. I get out of my head and I'm a part of the world around me. Tree's overhead, wind in my face and birds singing around me.

I cleared the cough that I had for over a week.

My Grandfather quit kidney dialysis after almost 10 years and it's been rattling around in the back of my head. Most people don't grow up with 4 living Grandparents or the 3 Great-Grandparents I had for some time. He's still my favourite. But I can see the differences he has made to our family and beyond. I'm starting to see he has much to celebrate and talking to him on skype. Despite his health, he's happy and loved by many. He doesn't have long and I'm not in a position that I can go to his funeral. But I feel very lucky to know him. I'm not sure if that's really a positive. But weirdly enough, I feel positive about this.

I get that! Thanks for posting that - it made me melt a little!

1-It's Friday
2-I survived a difficult week
3-It's Friday :D


MVP, Forum Supporter
Re: 3 Positive Things

1. Reading an excellent book
2. Beautiful sunny day
3. Happily enjoying the day by myself


Re: 3 Positive Things

I have been struggling with moods and meds lately but...

- I worked 15 hours today which means I am fortunate to have a couple jobs to go to.
- My mom did my laundry for me.
- We have a 13 week old baby pig at the boarding kennel I work at. He has been there for a week and is adorable. Reminds me of when Jill was young and cute ;).


Re: 3 Positive Things

When they're babies they have a smooshed up nose and there really is nothing cuter than a baby pig. As they get older they definitely get uglier but then you've already fallen in love with them anyway.


Re: 3 Positive Things

I have brownies baking in the oven.

I got sent home from work today to sleep.

It's almost my weekend.
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