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Re: 3 Positive Things

1) the weather's great today - sunny, not too hot or humid
2) my pooch tolerates his new muzzle so his poop-eating days shall not continue
3) lots of flowers blooming outside - in particular, the crape myrtles in the neighborhood are quite pretty - different shades of purple and pink


Re: 3 Positive Things

giggling like a kid today at work.
booked a 2 day get-away for me and my 82 year young mom.
she made me dinner!


Re: 3 Positive Things

1.)I turned down an invitation to go out with friends and was honest;I told them it would be too hard to not drink if I went with them.
2.)I put on a pair of jeans before work this morning and they actually fit.The last time I wanted to wear them, they were too big,which means I have gained a little weight.
3.)We finally have been getting rain and the grass is green again. I forgot how pretty it looks.


Re: 3 Positive Things

1.) My puppy made me laugh and smile. :)
2.) I made time to have a 20 minute complete and peaceful silence for me and only me today.
3.) I got called about a prospective job in my home city.


Re: 3 Positive Things

1. I had the day off work and slept in.
2. I had a fantastic two hour deep tissue massage.
3. I rolled the contents of my coin jar and was elated with the total.


Re: 3 Positive Things

Something very weird is going on,cause I am really enjoying this thread. It's like I'm looking for positive things now,and I actually look forward to posting them. It's just so different than finding things to complain about and be upset over. I have only been awake a couple of hours and I already have 3 positive things......weird.....

1.)I woke up at 4:30 this morning and went downstairs to get a drink of water.One of my dogs was looking at me and wagging her tail. I started going back upstairs, but then went back down and patted her head and told her she could go upstairs with me. I went back to sleep and slept like 3 and 1/2 more hours and had good dreams instead of nightmares. I got like 8 hours of sleep. That never happens.
2.)I got online to pay a hospital bill and the payment went right through and then I printed my receipt. I have been trying for the past few days to get it paid, but couldn't get it to go through,I don't know what I was doing wrong before, but it seemed so simple today.
3.)When I looked in the mirror this morning after I got up, my hair looked good. I didn't have bedhead. That's always a good way to start the day....
Re: 3 Positive Things

1) I got an "award" at work because someone in another department sitting next to me overheard me taking calls for customers... Now I can pick a $60 - $80 item online at work!!

2) My manager said, "See, that proves that your stats are better this year. I'm not blowing smoke up your butt, because stats don't lie." My performance review is the best I've ever had.

3) A co-worker asked me to come visit her for lunch at her house, and she cooked me wonderful Indian cuisine! My therapist thinks it is a good thing that I am starting to take some risks and trying to make friends with people again, and it looks like I can say goodbye to therapy for - a while, at least... 8)
Re: 3 Positive Things

My three positive things for today :)

1) taking the time to listen to a Celtic Woman CD
2) taking a stroll out in the sunshine
3) writing down what is stressing me out before the start of a new semester, to help me focus on what I have learned/am learning from last year's mistakes and experiences


Re: 3 Positive Things

I love the positivity of this thread too and it helps me find and appreciate three small things in my day.

1. I got a "kudos" at work for holding a flight for ten minutes for an urgent family situation, and while holding got all the paperwork done for my next flight.

2. I took my mom and all the animals out for frozen yogurt tonight. It was nice to do something relaxing instead of always focusing on work.

3. I managed to squeak in a quick rest today between jobs. I've been battling a migraine for three days and really needed that hour to rest.


Full Member, Forum Supporter
Re: 3 Positive Things

1. Today is payday and Friday
2. I worked at opening communications between some people at work
3. I atoned for a wrong that I did to another. It feels better now but I must still learn.


Re: 3 Positive Things

I picked up some extra shiftsat work.

My trip to Vegas is planned.

My mom vacuumed the house and we decided what to do with all the junk in the family room.
Re: 3 Positive Things

1. reading this thread's new replies :)
2. seeing my parents and knowing they are having a great week
3. meeting new people that I might see around sometime


MVP, Forum Supporter
Re: 3 Positive Things

1. A beautiful blue sky day on the Prairies
2. Going to the farmer's market
3. Raspberry pie - yum!


Re: 3 Positive Things

My weekend starts today! Off work Monday/Tuesday.

My friend got her baby pig yesterday which means piggy play dates.

I got my nails done after work today and am relaxing now with the Jilly on my lap.
Re: 3 Positive Things

able to do more today actually stayed out bed all day
saw my grandaughter today for a few minutes she always brings light laughter wherever she goes
everyone is safe tonight i am not so anxious tonight
Re: 3 Positive Things

1) shopping with family
2) taking a shower
3) listening to the baseball game commentators on the radio - reminds me of my childhood - love watching baseball


Re: 3 Positive Things

I actually took two days off. In a row, no less!

I had a yummy delicious peanut butter and chocolate chip sandwich for breakfast. Mmmmm....

I finally have everything I need for my dog and pig to be actual emotional support animals. This means I will be a lot less anxious going places.
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