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Re: 3 Positive Things

1. I talked to my wonderfully supportive therapist today.
2. I got an email from a friend.
3. The weather was gorgeous. :)


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Re: 3 Positive Things

Cleaned my house
Bought a Leneord Cohen CD
Bought a Garfield 3 books in 1 Digest. (I love Garfield :D)


MVP, Forum Supporter
Re: 3 Positive Things

Hmmm, I will try this too, something positive......

I survived another day of fitness boot camp and felt good about jumping rope, running, lifting weights and crawling around on the ground and being able to keep up with the class.

I saw my nephew today

I get Friday off from work


Re: 3 Positive Things

My turn!

  • I'm getting better at self-control (over various things).
  • I didn't feel anxious today.
  • No migraines!
Re: 3 Positive Things

cool thread :)

1. helped a friend refine some of her business goals.
2. accomplished 2 things at work that I had been procrastinating about.
3. kept a coffee date with a friend this evening even though I wanted to cancel because I didn't feel like going.
Re: 3 Positive Things

1. There are trees in my garden.

2. The birds have masses of berries to eat before it gets cold

3. I can watch them from my window . ( this is what I am doing now! )


Re: 3 Positive Things

1. I managed a short prayer on Thanksgiving and a short one today.
2. I bought a small cross to add to my chain.
3. I am going to try to keep my mood indicator on the positive side.


Re: 3 Positive Things

Peanut, I **love** this thread!

Straight out of my personal bible of surviving (lots of stuff that get me very down) - and I want to add as often as I can.

(I've save this thread to my Favourites).

For now, my three favourites things are:

1. Singing aloud the song 'Oklahoma' (can't stay sad and sing that song)

2. Imagining myself sitting in a room talking with people in a quietly adult and intelligent way - paticularly academic, philosophical subjects such as atheism (I'm a Spiritualist - but Atheists hold much better discussions) and Philosophy of Maths (I'm not knowledgable but am very drawn to it

3. Imaging (again) looking into the eyes of Eckhart Tolle when he'snot talking, and sharing the quietness there.

... there's lots of things... Maybe next time I'll find some that relate more to the restoration of real-life dilemmas :

For now,



Re: 3 Positive Things

Thanks for your rep and post Amastie. It lightened up my day outside of melancholy. It can be a real trick and a brutalizing snake pit some days.
Stay cheerful though, gotta perservere ... frowns upside down, Joey123


Re: 3 Positive Things

Thanks Sparrow.

I watched an episode of Oprah Winfrey on pay tv today in which she three guests all talking about the power of positive thinking. It's absolutely true. Three things, only three things, is such a lovely tease :happy:

Today's three things:

1. Had a great conversation with someone whose world is full and involved with others in lots of simple and valuable ways.

2. Shared with my brother again. It's so good after years of discord.

3. I watch my dog on his bed and know that, despit my limiations, he is cared for with love.

For now,



Re: 3 Positive Things

Today's three positive things:

1. Recognizing the importance of finding positive things
2. Finding that I quieten inside when I start to consider three positive things
3. Feeliong more powerful, and self-contained when I consider finding three positive things - even though no one specific thing occurs to right now *except* that inner preparedness to accept positive in my life. (Not at all a small thing!)

I might look around for other forums in which are shared positive insights. :)

My best wishes to all,

Re: 3 Positive Things

I watch my dog on his bed and know that, despit my limiations, he is cared for with love.
that is beautiful amastie , made me think of my canine friend , now gone .
I used to look at her on her bed , and she brought me back into life and trying by her trust in me that I would be there for her .

okay three postive things for today .
people who love animals furry and feathery and put themselves out to care for them .

this forum were we can share our thoughts and nice stories

my feet are warm ! (very simple but it is so very miserable making if we can't have cosy feet :))


Re: 3 Positive Things


Today's three (just having woken up)

1. Slept very well!
2. I have hope of achieving something today
3. A relative in great has much loving support around her

Re: 3 Positive Things

1. Today I had a better day than yesterday.
2. Played table tennis with my brother.
3. Did some piano practice.


Re: 3 Positive Things

3 Positive Things for Today, :)

1. I have clean water to drink.
2. I don't live in a disaster zone (i.e. floods,fires,earthquakes etc.).
3. I gave some of my groceries to a neighbour who was needy (hungry).

4 o.k...? I live in a free country!


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Re: 3 Positive Things

Enjoying the sunshine.
Taking it easier for the next couple of weeks.
Friday I was complimented by my T about how honest I am with her. It has put a smile on my face that has last all weekend.
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