Re: 3 Positive Things Part 5
Police report came back negative thankful for that one so she can still volunteer at wildlife rehab place
Twin is very ill she walk to walk in clinic and they told her to go to hospital she walk there and was horrible mistreated they are just cruel to her she was vomiting extreme pain .
She told them she felt like she was dying dam them for assuming she was hung over well idiots she wasn't.
Her disease was progressing the doctor finally saw her and was appalled at how she was treated as he could see how ill she was.
She had two iv bags of steroids given to her he said if it was much later she would have gone blind sad so sad they would not even give her a warm blanket.
sorry Someone finally recognized her as my twin that nurse use to work with me and i know her she is very caring she got my twin a warm blanket and treated her with respect.
The other nurses were told off by doctor and then and only then did they start treating her with some respect.
Their excuse was they did not know what her disease was and did not realize it could be life threatening xxxxxxx
Grateful she got an older doctor who know the illness and was able to treat her quickly and got her stabilized .
He is also going to notify the walk in clinic doctor about her disease.
i ask my twin to go to patient advocate and tell them yet again how she was mistreated.
SOMETHING has to be done to stop this abuse not only to my twin but to all the mental ill pts that go through emergency
They are pushed aside and told literally to be quiet they are so dam uncaring they are.
police report came back negative thankful for that one so she can still volunteer at wildlife rehab place
twin is very ill she walk to walk in clinic and they told her to go to hospital she walk there and was horrible mistreated they are just cruel to her she was vomiting extreme pain .
She told them she felt like she was dying dam them for assuming she was hung over well idiots she wasn't.
He coughs terribly sometimes. He says he’s working on rationing his smokes a bit more.
“Been on the go since 6am... “
“Police report came back negative thankful for that one so she can still volunteer at wildlife rehab place...”
“ ...go to patient advocate and tell them yet again how she was mistreated. “
“...SOMETHING has to be done to stop this abuse not only to my twin but to all the mental ill pts that go through emergency
They are pushed aside... “
1 - Hung up my Yamaha FGX700SC acoustic.
2 - Then I Hung up my Morgan Monroe MV-EC-45.
3 - Finished off the job putting the 2 cheap electrics up. A fender Squire Affinity Strat.
Music and stupidity are 2 gifts that collide in me sadly
At least you only have ONE thing that collides with stupidity!!!
Nope, just plain stupidity. I could agree if they seemed right at the time but they didn't and were done anyway. Certain emotions like anger and rage can lead to committing stupid actions all too often. Sometimes we have to call things by their real name.I mean, hey! Not stupidity! Naïveté, maybe? A few choices that seemed right at the time... Hindsight 20/20, am I right?
Incidentally, I never understood why day programs (partial hospitalization) never really took off as much. Though I'm sure it has a lot to do with money.
Well I don't know about in the US but here we have a great day program...
You have major surgery and then they send you home the same day :facepalm:
When you mean his smokes you mean cigarettes or Mary-Jane?
IF it's not the cigarette then ignore the rest of this reply![]()