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Daniel E.
Re: 3 Positive Things Part 6

1. Local credit union gave me $300 for switching from my bank.

2. Using Walmart grocery pickup has kept me in budget this month.

3. Husband made me croutons for my salads.
Re: 3 Positive Things Part 6

1. Rode my bike to work this morning.
2. I couldn't avoid running over the tail of a snake because I thought it was a leaf (like a thin pond frond layer, if that makes sense... There's a creek and that sort of shaped leaf is not out of the question) and was going to go past the head-end but only realised it was a snake when I was right in front of it so could only course-correct slightly to the tail end... But the positive is that juuust before I went over it I could tell that it was already dead and had been run over by something else beforehand.
3. Didn't forget to bring anything in my backpack except for my belt, which isn't a problem.

Daniel E.
Re: 3 Positive Things Part 6

1. Got free popcorn since yesterday was national popcorn day.

2. Chihuahua got a free nail trim.

3. Vet called us back within a couple hours about a minor question, saving us from a vet appointment.
Re: 3 Positive Things Part 6

1. Installed an app to lock me out of certain apps during work hours except for lunch. Made it to 30mins before lunch without using my phone... But discovered that the app had deactivated itself so wasn't blocking me (I'd suspected so before I left the house this morning but wasn't sure).
2. Working on something fairly technical today.
3. I think that I'm thinking less about my therapist today compared to usual... But it's like in a sand pit, how many buckets of sand have to be removed before you notice that there's less sand? And how many have to be removed before it matters?
Re: 3 Positive Things Part 6

1. Was given a new mousepad at work.
2. Team meeting today will break up the day a bit.
3. Feeling overly emotional and needy this morning but it will be ok.

Daniel E.
Re: 3 Positive Things Part 6

1. Almost done filing my taxes. So easy with the free online tax software through the United Way. Waiting for one more form in the mail.

2. Weather has warmed up again.

3. Research project is still going well. Trying to finish by end of March, though not due until May.
Re: 3 Positive Things Part 6

Bonus: I discovered that most of my work yesterday was wrong because I didn't notice a line in a drawing which said the material had changed... Before anyone else saw my mistake. :eek: :lol: Only took an hour to double check and fix yesterday's work, so now I can get back to what I was trying to do this morning .
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Daniel E.
Re: 3 Positive Things Part 6

Mistakes are bound to happen with the lack of catering options at your workplace :coffee:
Re: 3 Positive Things Part 6

I know right? I bet they aren't even doing waffle Fridays anymore. Probably no bacon and egg sandwiches tomorrow. :( At least I still get my free Milo powder.
Re: 3 Positive Things Part 6

Seems like I need another 3 tonight.
1. My bike was still at work and in working condition for me to ride it home today, and the ride went fine.
2. Spoke to a online chat helpline counsellor to help me through tonight's episode of "I should quit therapy to punish myself". The thought's back to being in the back of my of my head as an idea, rather than as an imperative that defines my worth/acceptability as a person.
3. Say hello to my new gecko friend, Sam, and its reflection.


Daniel E.
Re: 3 Positive Things Part 6

BONUS: Found a $50 check I was looking for. After searching for an hour, found it on the kitchen floor under the dishwasher.
Re: 3 Positive Things Part 6

1. Long weekend
2. Went for a short bike ride this morning
3. Making some headway in cleaning up all the scrap paper notes I've written about therapy crap. I don't feel like going to the session but wtf is new there and it's 1.5 weeks away anyway.
Re: 3 Positive Things Part 6

1. After getting angry about a completely loused up 'alone time' today, I've agreed to a weekly alone time schedule with the bf. Only took me a year to be specific about what I need. About time.
2. Booked myself in for an eye exam next weekend... Been planning to do it for a few months but ahhhhhh :panic:
3. Pulled out a project I started working on years ago.

Daniel E.
Re: 3 Positive Things Part 6

1. New dentist is very friendly and did the dental cleaning himself.

2. Slowly getting more eggs from the chickens. (Hens lay less in the winter due to less daylight supposedly.)

3. Finished a side job with my handyman husband of installing a chain link fence on a sloping lot. Was not always fun but paid well.
Re: 3 Positive Things Part 6

1. Free food due to a person leaving, and due to someone's catered meeting having leftover food.
2. Got a tracking update on the textbook I ordered, just when I was starting to wonder if it dropped off the face of the earth. Hopefully will show up next week.
3. Today is better than yesterday so far.
Re: 3 Positive Things Part 6

1. Realised that the reason I was having trouble concentrating/thinking this morning is because the project managers have been nonstop talking for the past few hours. Somehow I'd managed to block them out enough to not realise they were being loud, but not enough to focus properly. About a minute after I noticed, one of the other project managers complained that he couldn't hear himself think due to the voice of the guy beside him, so it's not just me.
2. I have noise cancelling headphones for precisely this purpose.
3. The team leads are off having a meeting all day, and some others are at a training... and the project managers keep coming to look for people and walking away disappointed, instead of asking anyone where the person is. Pretty amusing to me ;)

Bonus: I bought some tools online for a project and got notification that they'd shipped today.
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