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Daniel E.
1. Homemade "meatloaf" was amazing.

2. Used some of the remaining stimulus money to get 2 of the dogs groomed (instead of just the one with long hair).

3. Neighbor gave me very moist, delicious blueberry muffins.

BONUS: Still zero known cases of COVID-19 in my zip code.
1. Got home with groceries before it rained.
2. Took a while to decide what to make for dinner. Started making bolognese but then wished I'd decided to make chili. For some reason I thought it was a good idea (spoiler: it wasn't) to use my medium-sized saucepan. There was no space in the medium-sized saucepan, which forced me to transfer half of it into the big saucepan. And now I get to make both bolognese and chili.
3. Threw out an old plastic bag that I was using for groceries, even though it had holes in it and had lost one of the handles... so even though when I used it I just had to pick it up and transfer it to my backpack, it was lucky that the contents never spilled out.
1. My apartment smells like smoke because my neighbour decided to SET SOMETHING ON FIRE on his balcony, and I may be bonkers but at least I've never thought to do something as crazy as that. I saw it twice but couldn't get a photo of it because he seemed to be moving it in and out of view.
2. The fire source seems to have gone away and I have re-opened my balcony door to clear out the smoke.
3. Had an early dinner with leftovers from yesterday.
Perhaps a wurst on the ... thing that's German for bbq. (He's German as far as I can tell.)

It was clearly flickering flames. Possibly burning rubbish. But you do not do that here. Especially not in an apartment block. Like... they only just un-banned home fire pits as a trial run this winter - they're normally illegal.

David Baxter PhD

Late Founder
By the way, it turns out that there are several words for barbecue in German. Not surprising since there are several words in many languages or dialects.

From Google translate where you can hear a woman speaking the German translations:


And from How to say barbecue in German but the audio is less convincing there - I think spoken German should always sound a little annoyed if not angry:


Daniel E.
BONUS: Got an ice cream cone at Dairy Queen to share with one of my dogs during a road trip today. I put her portion in a bowl :icecream:


Daniel E.
BONUS #2: Snake repellent was on clearance at Lowes for 90 percent off. Got 10 pound bags of basically crushed moth balls for only $1.50 each.
Bonus: Tried a Cinnabon roll today. :up::up::up: (I was too nervous to try one in the US even though I went past a shop almost every day I was in Reno. They've only just come to Aus recently.)

David Baxter PhD

Late Founder
Oh man. Cinnabons were great. Maybe a little messy eh but mmmmm. Delicious.

I was on a road trip several years ago to Toronto for business and my young children had requested I bring back some Cinnabons as a treat. We lived out in rural Ontario then so they weren’t easy to find.

Like a good dad, I picked up a nice big box of them just before heading out on the highway. Well it was a long drive after a long busy day and I hadn’t had a lot to eat because I worried it would make me sleepy.

Well I’m sure you can guess what happened. There were the cinnabons next to me riding shotgun. Just one wouldn’t hurt, right?

Half an hour later the box was empty, I was feeling a tad ill, and I was desperately looking for an opportune location to pull off the highway to grab another box for the younguns.

I did find some more and this time they were banished to the back seat.

Good times. [emoji16]
1. Feeling a bit less miserable after riding my bike to work.
2. It might be warmer in the office than it was at home.
3. No one walked into the bathroom while I was using the sink as a 'shower' after my ride.

Scraping the bottom of the barrel this morning but it could always be worse... Maybe like this email from my manager I see waiting for me in my inbox.

Daniel E.
1. Chicken feed was on sale for Memorial Day weekend. Also found a hand-held electronic spreader for the snake repellent granules.

2. Walmart-brand sodas, including ginger ale, are still only 68 cents for a 2 liter. That is about the price of bottled water.

3. Got a record number of eggs in the last week. One chicken even layed two eggs in the same day, which is rare for us since our chickens are not "production chickens" like leghorns. Sold some eggs, gave some away, and hardboiled some for salads and snacks.
1. No one else caught my bus this morning.
2. Feeling tired but mostly ok so far today.
3. My attempt to count to 3 in this post looked like "1,2,2" which is pretty amusing.

Daniel E.
BONUS: Glad we played it safe and took our oldest dog the vet. (She was just at the vet in February for a dental and had normal lung sounds then. Today, her lung sounds were so bad they needed to do x-rays, which were bad too. So she was diagnosed with COPD/asthma and will be on theophylline tablets once a local pharmacy can compound the prescribed dose. My guess is allergies are a factor.)

Daniel E.
1. Got dog's medicine in chicken flavor this morning. Pharmacist was very nice, so I left him a positive review on Google.

2. Water never tasted better (since this is the hottest day of the year so far).

3. Weather is cooling off already since it is late afternoon.
Whereas we had our coldest day in May last weekend (not sure if it was an all time record or just in the last x years ) and I've been pleased about it warming up this week.
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