More threads by gooblax

Re: 3 Positive Things Part 6

Got to see snowbirds fly right over our house in v formation the air show was on in Peterborough also got to see planes fly straight up then straight down that was crazy.
Got to see my grandchildren on Saturday went to Toronto Zoo with them they sure have a lot of energy lol
Finished the sleep journal i was to do for a week so will bring that to therapy this week

Daniel E.
Re: 3 Positive Things Part 6


Re: dental pain

Since your dentist seems averse to prescribing opioid medication (or perhaps she needs to simply be informed of your pain level), maybe there is a doctor on the planet that would agree it would be relatively safe for your heart to take NSAIDs short term:

"Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs - the Motrins, the Advils, the Aleves - when used in a certain way, are very effective," Funari says. "More effective than the narcotics."

NSAIDs reduce inflammation, which is a main source of the pain...

NSAIDs work at least as well as opioids, he says; they just haven't received as much hype, because they're available over the counter.

"A lot of the lay public believes if they're available over the counter, they're weak and they don't work."

Dentists Urge Prescribing Fewer Opioids Amid Addiction Crisis : Shots - Health News : NPR

Ultram/tramadol also comes to mind.

And since you mentioned antibiotics, I think they can be anti-inflammatory too.

David Baxter PhD

Late Founder
Re: 3 Positive Things Part 6

However, NSAIDS are not good in combination with several medical conditions and can interact badly with several medications.


Re: 3 Positive Things Part 6

The first of which is Aspirin. It's one or the other not both. And I was told 20 years ago if pain Tylenol only. No Advil etc. My meds and my condition are not compatible. The T3s helped keep it from driving me crazy while I had some left.

There's ways to get pain killers... one is blackmail if I don't get something to stop the pain I'm popping clonazepam till I'm so stoned it don't bother me anymore. Except after 7 days it shouldn't hurt at the root as if the tooth was still there. That don't seem normal. I've been taking more clonazepam than normal to ease the anxiety and stress all this has been causing And regular Tylenol for more than a week at 8 or more a day is not considered safe so it's her call.

theres just something insane about dental pain that can drive a person crazy without being extreme pain. It's that constant non stop that eats at your mind as it persists.

Bonus: was sleeping like a baby and the phone woke me up at noon hello hello no response probably a friggen telemarking call. :panic:

So so much for 3 positive things :facepalm:

Daniel E.
Re: 3 Positive Things Part 6

From 2012, a reminder that there are still financial agendas in medical "research":

NSAID Bleeding Risk: Smoke But No Fire | Medpage Today

One of the main arguments for initiating use of narcotic painkillers with older people with chronic, noncancer pain is the concern that the alternative treatment -- nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs -- can cause serious internal bleeding.

But that concern appears to be based on an overblown estimate of NSAID risk...

Opioid proponents continue to cite the 16,500 number.

It was brought up at the American Geriatrics Society's annual meeting in 2009, when the group announced its new guidelines recommending opioids and said NSAIDs should be used rarely.

It is used in a presentation on the AGS website as part of a continuing medical education activity funded by opioid maker Janssen Pharmaceuticals.

That presentation was created by James Katz, MD, of George Washington University, who at the time was a paid consultant for opioid-maker UCB Pharma...

David Baxter PhD

Late Founder
Re: 3 Positive Things Part 6

In my case, taking NSAIDs seriously increases creatinine levels. My doctor has been quite clear that I need to avoid them entirely.
Re: 3 Positive Things Part 6

1. I've got a cup of tea.
2. I have a plan for a task I'm working on.
3. I might have a physical reason to skip work tomorrow.

Daniel E.
Re: 3 Positive Things Part 6

In my case, taking NSAIDs seriously increases creatinine levels. My doctor has been quite clear that I need to avoid them entirely.
That reminds me: When I took my cat to the vet last week for arthritic symptoms, they gave him a NSAID but a total of only three pills (to be spread out over six days) along with twice daily gabapentin.
Re: 3 Positive Things Part 6

How's it going with the socket @GaryQ?

1. No stomach ache today.
2. Waiting for inspiration to strike for me to write an argument for something where numbers aren't helping.
3. Most of my colleagues are pretty chill.


Re: 3 Positive Things Part 6

Socket is sloooooowly healing @gooblax Still in pain. She said it was healing fine it just needed more time (translated to regular English: suck it up buttercup) wasn't up to fighting for an Rx. Just popping Tylenol and clonazepam.

Got a bit of rough bits taken care of (still a few driving me bats. Need to be firm when o see her about one spot that's still not better. This time I will bring a detailed drawing though I'm not an artist she should get the point.

First impressions were made. Then go back Thursday if the premolds are ready and then I got “hit” with the "adjusted" lab fees. $802 is the price now because they need to make different partials up top since only 4 front teeth left. I just hope with my Tourette and other issues I can tolerate them without going crazy. They will be acrylic and harder than the old ones I had.

Worked really hard to figure out how to prevent my income vs expenses not to go in the red for October with $802 extra to spit out. First year where all my months are positive with only 3 left to make it a perfect year. That hasn't happened as long as I can remember and as long as I been keeping track. Texted her today told her I'd put a deposit down when I go in and pay the balance when I get my teeth. That balances it out between sept and oct without my balances automatically changing from a green to red background. I know it sounds silly to most but it's just achieving 1 goal I set that is so close to being a reality 3/4 there. And without any big bumps I should succeed. Haven't Managed to achieve any set goals in forever so this one means a lot. (Sorry if I'm repeating myself)

This evening I gave my left socket a break ate my lay's wavy salt & vinegar chips I had left. Real slowly mostly letting them soften in my mouth but the right gums did pay the price over time which made me forget that the left side extraction ever happened (which is no longer the case) now I'm raw and sore all over. But the treat was worth it. As for the chocolate ice cream I should be good for 10 years before I get another craving I've had about 7 litres so far.

After Thursday I'll have a break for about a week or 2 before teeth are done. Then way she was talking probably around the 10th. Of course I go in on the 9th to see doc get my 12 weeks of meds and going to Harvey's for lunch with bud. Should be able to chew a soft poutine and a burger without my new choppers. Would be great if they were ready that day then I could go after and save a trip in to town since they almost always book me late afternoon it would all work out one after the other.

Still feeling really down but I'm hanging on somehow.


Re: 3 Positive Things Part 6

In my case, taking NSAIDs seriously increases creatinine levels. My doctor has been quite clear that I need to avoid them entirely.

We have a lof of common “intolerance” problems and issues...

I’m old...



Re: 3 Positive Things Part 6

Seriously what the worse that can happen to a 90 year old getting hooked and happy on opioids?

I get it with the poor younger folks with ruined lives because of it but everyone has known for ages that any opium derived product is as addictive as nicotine.

The bigger the profit potential the bigger the silence and denial.


Re: 3 Positive Things Part 6

In my defense, I have a lot of years to go yet before I’m 90. :coffee:

Well then a lot of years to go before you can get high and happy on opioids without it really mattering... but don’t forget... life like a roll of toilet paper....

It really hit me the other day when I realized holy moly, my youngest was a bit but still older than gooblax!

Daniel E.
Re: 3 Positive Things Part 6

1. Got exercise repainting the kitchen and like the color (was light yellow and is now a light gray except for the trim).

2. Older cat's arthritis is much better. No longer limping.

3. Pizza night.
Re: 3 Positive Things Part 6

1. The supply guys at work might have found me a supplier for a part which has been a pain in the ass for months. It's kind of crazy how pleased I am but everyone's wearing headphones so I can't share my excitement haha.
2. Colleague has received a job offer with a significant pay bump.
3. Clutching at straws here for number 3, but tomorrow will be Friday.
Re: 3 Positive Things Part 6

1. I have discovered that a person didn't action my request for them to procure an item 2 weeks ago. The positive is the discovery - tis better to know that one's task is ****ed, than to be happy and ignorant... Or something.
2. Today IS Friday.
3. It's someone's birthday so there'll be cake, and it's someone else's last day from a different team so I'm going out for lunch and not coming back to the office. So long suckers... Until Monday.


Re: 3 Positive Things Part 6

1 Had a good reassuring private chat with dentist right from the get go. her assistant didn't seem pleases when I asked if I could have a few minutes to talk to her privately and the doc showed her the door with a nod of the head but since she was part of what I wanted to discuss regrading her making me feel uncomfortable with comments about this and that costing the clinic making me feel bad when I was offered a gift I did not ask for. and I'm not the ungrateful kind and I knew that she had alreaday spent a lot of time and money working on my teeth. She reassured me not to feel guilty. The rest went fine. Except sher said I needed a hobby so I didn't find every little problem with my fillings... I said you sure like putting that stuff on thick though, She laughed and had to admit that she did.

2 - Got some T3s. She said it was normal since although the root was not extremely long the tooth was very large in diameter.

3 - Got some antobiotics. She doesn't think there's any infection but better safe than sorry. Probably gave me the RXs just to shut me up and calm me down too.

4 - Thought she had pulled the clot out of my latest extraction when she took the last mold out. (still not sure it hasn't been loosened... I Keep pushing it in to make sure it stays there!

BONUS: We had a couple good laughs. When we were talking about my doc (her friend and also her doc since her hubby not allowed to treat her, but yet she can be his dentist LOL. ) Anyway I said If I was a woman i'd find him hot. He looks like a younger Liam Neeson. She says he reminds me of that big dog in the old cartoons but couldn't remember his name. The assistant blurts out Goofy? The doc said something and I said Scooby Doo? She says Yes. I laughed so hard. Now of course she don't want me telling him she said that but with my Tourette's and OCD and my big mouth etc... I'm going to have trouble not greeting him with Hi Scooby Doo or Hey Scooby instead of Hey Doc... but the hard part is I can't say why though! Then I said he may be a good looking guy but his wife is HOT! Like REALLY HOT! So the dentist gives me a big smack on the arm and I say what? She says you know she's even prettier in person. He used to have a really nice black and white family picture on the wall in his main office of them and the kids back when he was running back and forth between offices to see patients.

Still Sore and she only gave me an Rx for 28 T3's hope it stops hurting soon.

Back on Oct 3rd to try out the partials and prep them for adjustments as needed then back on the 8th to get them. They don't adjust them they have the lab do adjustments which is either a good thing or a silly one I don't have an opinion on that yet. Except having to go to Winnipeg more than once.


Re: 3 Positive Things Part 6

1 - the T3s have helped a lot with the pain. In a bit of pain now so will take 2 after this post once coffee ready but have not needed much. Think only took 3 yesterday.

2 - Coincidence or fact, the socket from the last extraction is healing and closing up way faster after only a day and half on antibiotics. Honestly I don't really care what the reason is as long as it heals well and fast. I surprised at how much it changed since Thursday because after she pulled out the top mold it felt like the clot was loose and it was still spongy still wasn't hard after 10 days. Hope the healing continues like this so that the partials don't hurt me more than they help when I get them. Right side is healing well. Sockets have closed up just to the perfect size for a grain of rice to be almost impossible to dislodge when one got in yesterday. Sticking to sandwiches and such for now.

3 - contrary to Feb 2015 when I had my last partials and just couldn't tolerate them. Plus the fact that I was not in a good place psychologically. I'm hoping the Clonidine and clonazepam I now take for my TS and anxiety will help tolerate the foreign objects in my mouth. any extra help as small as it may be might make a difference between getting used to tolerating wearing them or getting overwhelmed and give up.

Bonus: if all goes as planned I'll have my teeth on the 8th. So should have a mouth full of teeth when I see my doc the day after and get to show him and thank him because he's the one who called a friend to see if she knew anyone that could help me out and well we know what happened after I went to see her! Then go for lunch with bud and see my pharmacist. He's the only one who has no idea any of this has happened. I didn't mention anything when I texted him to say I'd be in on the 9th to pick up my meds.


Re: 3 Positive Things Part 6

SUPER BONUS: Less pain means less really dark thoughts and gradually needing way less clonazepam to make it from one day to the next.
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