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Re: 3 Positive Things Part 6

Step 1 - trade the frozen food that you won't get through in time for a gun or other supplies
Step 2 - ???
Step 3 - profit

Or cook up a batch of your bolognese and offer your cooking services in exchange for protection :lol:


Re: 3 Positive Things Part 6

You are aware I’m pretty good at fiillimg in the blanks... or in this case the ??? At step 2.

Normally it be shoot first ask questions later... this apocalyptic times you mentioned would be ??? Shoot first eat later? And the profit in question would be sell off the excess?

ok let’s back away from the zombie apocalypse before we get scolded :coffee:
Re: 3 Positive Things Part 6

You are aware I’m pretty good at fiillimg in the blanks... or in this case the ??? At step 2.

Normally it be shoot first ask questions later... this apocalyptic times you mentioned would be ??? Shoot first eat later? And the profit in question would be sell off the excess?
I suppose so, but on the downside they also miss out on your inventory management skills too in that case ;)
ok let’s back away from the zombie apocalypse before we get scolded :coffee:
Oh yes, back on topic...:eek:rder:

Bonus positive: There is no apocalypse! At least there wasn't today, and I'm half a day ahead so I would know ;)


Re: 3 Positive Things Part 6

Yep so I’m technically safe for another 15 hours or so so in about 15 it should be like tomorrow down there.

But i just realized what if it starts here it’ll be tomorrow before you’d even hear about it.:rolleyes:

1 - no apocalypse at the moment

2 - in 4 hours or so I’ll have a good idea if my new teeth will drive me crazy even with adjustments to follow.

3 - I haven’t choked my neighbor yet for constantly waking me up in the middle of the night. Plus she’s actually been going senile or something. Not sure exactly what just know she losing her marbles at a pretty visible pace in the last year for real so kinda hard after the initial anger of being woken up anywhere between 3 and 4 am almost every night lately to really be mad at her. At least now I know it’s her waking me up before I’d know something woke me up but wouldn’t hear anything After. Now she continues to make noise after I’m awake so I bloody well know it’s her.
Re: 3 Positive Things Part 6

1. Got a good response from a question I asked yesterday. All the measurements were indeed wrong, so they've now been revised for the better and I don't have to go to crazy levels of detail to substantiate it.
2. Got a short boring training module to watch which will waste some time.
3. Waffle Friday. No one would be so inconsiderate as to start an apocalypse on waffle Friday.

David Baxter PhD

Late Founder
Re: 3 Positive Things Part 6

Trump would start an apocalypse on waffle Friday.

The only holiday he cares about is 50% off Happy Meals at McDonald's. :D


Re: 3 Positive Things Part 6

Trump would start an apocalypse on waffle Friday.

The only holiday he cares about is 50% off Happy Meals at McDonald's. :D

fake news... it’s cheeseburgers he likes... but I’m sure he says that as the greatest president in history he is entitled to a toy regardless :coffee:


Re: 3 Positive Things Part 5

1 - Went to try partials yesterday. They were only painful on the bone by my right rear extraction. This seems like a confusing thing. 4 years ago they slapped the goop in my mouth then when I went back I got my partials. This time they made pre molds then got the proper mold cups to make proper impressions then the things they stuffed in my mouth yesterday she said were made of wax :confused: seemed pretty hard for wax. They also did not have the "famous" front part that she says I need to make sure they hold in place up top and the top pallet area seems thick and large. Trying to speak without sounding severely mentally challenged was impossible. (sure it's not politically correct but it's me I'm mentioning not someone else so that makes it ok)

2 - Tuesday 11 am I pick them up. She will personally do the "fine tunings" Then the really painful part, dishing out the cash.

3 - Wednesday see Doc and then go for lunch with bud. He says he can't wait to see them. I'm sure it's more he can't wait to laugh at me as I try to hold a conversation.

definitely a to be continued experience...

SEMI BONUS: Montreal lost in shootout yesterday. A great game but a bitter ending. but they get a point for making it to overtime. They say if you finish a road trip at .500 or above it's good. 2 more road games, Toronto Saturday and Buffalo Wednesday before home opener on Thursday.

SUPER BONUS: Slept till alarm woke me up at 9am. Slept like a baby or a log not sure but was out like a light before midnight. :up:


Re: 3 Positive Things Part 6

Good end to. Rough night and day

1 - Montreal playin In Todonto
Little Domi born in Winnipeg but raised in the Toronto Maple Leafs as his Dad was a long time Leafs enforcer. Ironically now playing against his fathers arch rivals Scored the first goal in the first minute.

2 - Toronto then took the game pretty much out of reach of Montreal was 4-1 for Toronto after 2 periods. Montreal decided they were not going to be beat that easy and came back scored 4 straight. Tying goal on a penalty shot after a clown threw his stick at our defenseman after breaking it. Took the lead 5-4. Not long after. Toronto tied it up in the end of the third after pulling their goalie for the extra attacker. No goals but awesome chances for both teams in overtime.

3 - the best of the best goal scorers of the whole league all on Toronto side for the shootout. Oh well we got at least 1 more point on the road so not bad I said. Well what do you know... only 1 player for both teams managed to score in shootout...
Paul Byron who just happens to happily play for Montreal.

Bonus: Byron is a player that was picked up for free a couple years back when Calgary (I think) didn't think he was good enough to play and placed him on waivers. Since then he has become an outstanding asset and became assistant captain. Somebody's trash be someone's treasure.

still in the dumps but this was awesome to watch. :)


Re: 3 Positive Things Part 6

I only have 2 words to say to that...

Mais OUI :D :up: And that woohoo guy I have trouble finding on my phone


Re: 3 Positive Things Part 6

I thought the “only one player managed to score and just happens to play for Mobtreal kind of made it clear though:confused:


Re: 3 Positive Things Part 6

As for you Hometown team...
Ottawa senators lost 4-1 at home against the NY Rangers


Re: 3 Positive Things Part 6

1 - Got my partials The top is pretty much a full denture minus 4 front teeth and the pallet feels thick and deep thick (we'll ignore all the pain, discomfort, difficulty even swallowing my saliva, inability to get myself to stop biting down which of course makes things SOOOO much better :facepalm:... I think that should be enough to get the point across)

1 (A) Dentist told me her assistant had gotten me a lower price from the lab and to make sure and give her a hug and thank her (my "spidey sense" says that she just wasn't able to find a way to pocket the couple hundred bucks cash difference between real lab fee and what she was telling me it was as I still wanted some form of receipt if I was to dish out $802 cash which she said was the only way and it couldn't go in the books... funny as it wound up in the books and I got a invoice for $1650.20 and paid the lab fees of $586 and texted the Dentist to make sure it had been really written off as it says Balance due $1064.20 on the invoice I got. Which she kindly and promptly texted me back all good no Balanace) I gave her the benefit of the doubt and thanked her and gave her a small hug... Don't think dentist realised some people not the "hugging" kind. Dentist on the other hand loves hugs. :rofl: Gave her a really big appreciative one and explained my French background and gave her a kiss on each cheek.

Resumé of the last confusing part: Cost me only $586 instead of the $802 I was expecting. Still bloody expensive for torture devices!

2 - Then Went to the big Walmart which is on my way if I take a different path home. They had 2L Pepsi products on sale for 94 cents this week and of course Steinbach never has stock. Also got some ginger ale for Miss Muffet and they had large eggs 18 for $2.77 and since they were almost out put the extra large 18 packs for the same price. Grabbed 2 for me and 1 for miss muffet. Plus some margarine. (not on sale :( though)

3 - as usual a picture's worth a 1000 words... look what $44.54 (minus 51 cents rewards :)) can buy on a good day...


REALLY BIG NEGATIVE NOTE THOUGH: I'm really down and depressed and it's uncomfortable and honestly they're driving me crazy. I've succeeded in spite of wanting to toss the in the garbage and just forget it for 4 hours now without taking them out yet. But I feel I'm at breaking point already. I Took 2mg clonazepam hour or so ago. Think I'll take them out try and have a nap since I didn't get much sleep overnight. Also since she told me to make sure to take them out when I sleep. But I really don't know how I'll manage to get through this with all my issues (no sense naming them over and over)
Re: 3 Positive Things Part 6

  1. Preparing my playlist for waffles and tunes Friday. I'm putting in some annoying songs that I secretly like ;)
  2. Fairly chill day at work today.
  3. I can make anything I want for dinner because I finished my leftovers, so I am limited only by my imagination and my pantry/fridge. Opportunity awaits.



Re: 3 Positive Things Part 5

Took my teeth out around 4:30 yesterday ate some sandwiches without them slept on and off so didn’t put them
back in yet.

have no choice today running late...
1 Doc
2 lunch with bud ( first attempt at eating with them in)
3 - pick up meds some has and bread them home.

Bonus hockey game Tonight will try munching chips and Pepsi for supper lol

ok need to shower and get going for 9:45 or so’
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