More threads by gooblax

Re: 3 Positive Things Part 6

  1. In a weird anxious-sad-destructive mood, hopefully going to get groceries will help.
  2. Plant is somewhat still alive and I've tried to guess what I'm doing wrong for it. Will see if the change helps.
  3. Good weather today.


Re: 3 Positive Things Part 6

  1. In a weird anxious-sad-destructive mood, hopefully going to get groceries will help.
  2. Plant is somewhat still alive and I've tried to guess what I'm doing wrong for it. Will see if the change helps.
  3. Good weather today.

I really Hope getting out for groceries helped your feel better.

About the plant... have you seeked advice from someone that knows how to keep them alive about what you may be doing wrong?


Re: 3 Positive Things Part 6

1 - watched Montreal Canadiens beat the Ottawa Senators in overtime. Was the last of 7 preseason games. Training camp officially over. Season starts Thursday October 3rd.

2 - Had some Incredible Burgers for supper! The REAL incredible kind though... 100% pure lean ground beef, no filler or glue just a sprinkle of Montreal Style Steak Spices to lightly enhance the already delicious Western Canadian beef cooked to perfection, huge patties. Damn I'm a great chef :D

3 - Not to overly tease your taste buds, I won't post a pic of the finished products (was too hungry couldn't wait) so I'll just share what they looked like as they started to cook. Note: pan is 12" or 30 cm.


BONUS: Managed to stop myself from eating all 3 in a now posting this is making me starved. Oh and getting two little pieces out of both back sockets took over 2 hours to finally coerce the last one out. HAVE a feeling that will be another long sporting event after I polish this last burger off.
Re: 3 Positive Things Part 6

I really Hope getting out for groceries helped your feel better.
Thanks, I think it did help for a bit.

About the plant... have you seeked advice from someone that knows how to keep them alive about what you may be doing wrong?
Nope but I'm fairly sure I'm doing everything wrong :lol: Doesn't help that the pot blows over in the wind. But 1st plan is to change how frequently I'm watering it.


Re: 3 Positive Things Part 6

Thanks, I think it did help for a bit.

I guess a bit is better than no bit ;)

Nope but I'm fairly sure I'm doing everything wrong :lol: Doesn't help that the pot blows over in the wind. But 1st plan is to change how frequently I'm watering it.

So... reading (and distorting the facts) between the lines (that's so much fun)....
what you're really trying to say is....
that no matter how hard you try the dang thing still won't die? :lol:


Re: 3 Positive Things Part 6

1 - it's a good thing the only crops not harvested yet is some corn because we've had some pretty nasty rain lately which would have flattened many crops.

2 - I don't need Alexa to tell me What the weather is like outside. I can hear it pouring down from the roof.

3 - Although it's an audible sign of a potentially dangerous lightning strike I just love the sound of loud rumbling thunder. I miss that part of living in the Laurentien mountains in Quebec. One lightning strike could set off a long séries of echoing thunder claps.


Re: 3 Positive Things Part 6

The scary part is the natural eastern movement of weather... what starts out there and passes Regina has the potential to pass slightly above, below or straight through here on its way East. All depends on where the jet stream decides it’s separating the warm and cold fronts. We can get rain snow or nothing. Thankfully car in garage and although I’d like to get some stuff in Steinbach tomorrow there’s no obligation to go outside.


Re: 3 Positive Things Part 6

1 - We seem to have been saved from what happened out West :up:

2 - Went back to Walmart early this morning hoping they'd have some Heinz tomato juice in stock was on sale for 97 cents but no luck. Been ages since I seen it on sale. No luck but picked up more ground beef had a feeling Miss Muffet would want some... good thing I grabbed 6 packs she snagged 3 off of me. More fun in store bagging them tomorrow...

"What makes you think you have OCD? asked the psychiatrist last Winter... it's not in your file..."
Maybe should have brought him a few pictures of my food supply or how I package and freeze ground beef to avoid freezer burn and use a scale to put exactly 454g (1 lb) Getting sloppy lately though between 450 to 460 grams was a pass Sunday morning.

Picture worth a thousands words...


Maybe I keep this on my phone and take a couple pics of my stock pile for when I see the next Psychiatrist in November.

Or better yet Maybe also a sneak peek snapshot of just my gas consumption spreadsheet calculations:
This is about half the calculations... and I left out all the calculations involving a dollar sign not to upset @gooblax ;)


The blue is Winter wheels and the green is summer wheels including the split for km driven on each wheel between gas fills after wheel change. If that's not enough proof. This dude is in for a real fun time. I'll print and throw him a copy of all my spreadsheets from 2014 to now. I can show him exactly when and for how long I was on Wellbutrin in 2016; When I moved away from living next door to Harvey's; when I had a gf, when I was depressed and to what extent I would isolate myself. and exactly when I decided to see how much of a difference driving at 100km/h actually does save on fuel vs 110 to 115km/h on the highway. (They say 90km/h is the optimal speed for fuel efficiency.... I tried, I really did, but NOW I get the guy that wrote the song... "I can't drive at 55" It's like being at a standstill on the highway as all the cars fly by you. :panic:

3 - if you actually made it this far then thanks, you're a real team player! :D
Re: 3 Positive Things Part 6

Thank you @GaryQ I appreciate the absence of $$$ signs ;)
I'm a bit afraid to ask, but what's the 'km driven adjusted' column?

I don't think I've ever gone to that level of detail of recording anything unless I was passive-aggressively trying to prove a point :lol:


Re: 3 Positive Things Part 6

Reading over I think you triggered me off... this one is looooong but worth the read I promise it gets way cooler as it goes.

Answer to your question, simple math outer tire circumference différence between odometer and actual distance covered. I have the benefit of having a 10 km government odometer checking zone on the TransCanada HWY literally right before you hit smack center of Canada. And I pass it when I go to Winnipeg via that route. Unfortunately the distance being only 10 km and odometers only having one decimal point of precision I do have a margin of error of anywhere up to a half percentage point.

My winter wheels the odometer reads 10.1 over the 10km stretch. So a -1% actual distance covered adjustment. Summer wheels Are approximately +3%. I told you I love math. Counting my pennies is mainly because of the math and although most formulas are quite basic... I'm no "Rain Man" but for some strange reason everything revolves around Numbers in my head.

I only have a HS diploma through adult education from Quebec which is like a grade 11 elsewhere but since I took advanced math it's equivalent to a grade 12 level. It's different through adult ed you do your work learn what the book says and do the government exams. I went in, and came out 40 consecutive times before making my first of only 3 mistakes. They were running bets on when I'd actually make one. So my grade 10,11, 12 equivalent math was completed with a 98.4% average. 2 of the 3
mistakes were in trigonometry and those bloody exams held few but long questions hence o high point knock for each.

Now the "BONUS COOL STORY TREAT » for reading to here and d beyond

at certain points the government replaces all exams with new ones to prevent the possibility of cheating even if there are more than one possible exam for each block for the same reasons. So you have 3 hours to complete your exam. No blinking going for a wizz etc. It was a new test on logarithms. Had a long question and multiple choice answers but you had to do the work to prove how you got to the answer you circled. 4 long questions 1,2 and 4 were easy peasy. Probably got through them in under 20 minutes. But for the love of me there was no f***ing logical possibility to get to any of the suggested answers. Now I'm in determined and really pissed off mode. The formula was long and I started questioning the accuracy of the answers then attacked the accuracy of the formula. Time was running out on my 3 hours when o noticed that if I changed a specific minus sign to a plus I was able to get my detailed work to reach one of the answers. I kept looking at my math to make sure it wasn't me that was wrong. 5 minutes left, no other options so I complete it with the only option I saw possible which was correcting the formula submitted my work in silence went home came back next day. Check results perfect score. Most people be happy and move on. I was mad as hell. Walk I to the math lab and wrote the formula out as written on the exam sheet on the board and the answer down at the bottom without saying a word. Teacher wondering all Along what's going on here.

Then, I toss the chalk to him and say: ok, this is the question, this is the answer. Prove it now. So he tries and says you must have memorized it wrong. I said I spent 3 hours working on that one problem then change the sign in question and say this is how I got to this answer. And I got a perfect score. Government exams were scored and sent without ever being questioned. My previous scores gave a huge credibility to my words. Head of the math department decided she wanted to see my exam herself. Low and behold I had succeeded in saving a whole lot of students a whole lot of headaches. I was right damn sign was a misprint on brand new exam. That was cool. The worse part is I was disappointed in myself for making 3 mistakes. Pathetic perfectionist idiot.

End of story $$$&$ ;)


Re: 3 Positive Things Part 6

I remembered coming across my grades when I was going through my files a litle while ago and figured might was well post a snapshot of the math grades in question 142, 143 were all I needed after evaluation to complete Secondary 4 (Grade 10 equivalent more or less elsewhere) 151, 152 are not needed to get your High school diploma and are Secondary 5 level (Grade 11) 153 to 155 are advanced math grade 12 equivalent and why not go all the way? Was planning CEGEP for the fall in business admin met my first wife and well you have to bring in the cash so off to work I went and school was left behind. Went back for a bit and Finished my French as Primary language although it is my second language in 92-93 and finally earned my diploma at roughly your age @gooblax.

And after rechecking I was right 98.4% in Math. And seriously I was disappointed with these results!



Re: 3 Positive Things Part 5

1 - NHL teams had till today to get their rosters down to max 23 players and under the salary cap. Montreal announced that 2 youngsters earned their chance to start the season with the Big Team Thursday. And it’s nice when they get a chance to start because they forced the team to keep them and not to fill spots temporarily because of injuries to key players. Both were quite fun to watch play in the preseason games and will be interesting to see how they keep up as the pace of the game picks up a notch come Thursday.

2 - also Thursday I go for my partials first fitting. That will be challenging. I have trouble tolerating the current situation with the changes to my few real teeth. Bit nervous about the adjustment period. 5 years ago I had enough teeth to manage to chew and threw the partials in a drawer. This is no longer an option if I want to chew anything from now on.

3 - Also had heard the building Gossip choir was saying we were not going to get the new windows we were promised this year. Got text back this afternoon from the maintenance manager that the windows are in and should be starting end of next week. I’ll see who was right and who was wrong depending on what comes first... windows or January lol

BONUS: I think I might have my new curtains up before David has his up :lol:
Re: 3 Positive Things Part 6

1. No boss today.
2. Milo container was refilled at work.
3. Made it a week before getting back onto the "therapy can't help me / I don't deserve help" train.


Re: 3 Positive Things Part 6

Made it a week before getting back onto the "therapy can't help me / I don't deserve help" train.

Some things I don’t count as emotional and psychological things pay no attention to real time... good things seem like a moment rough things seem like an eternity...

So, @gooblax would this be a longer than normal period with some relief?
Re: 3 Positive Things Part 6

I'm not sure, it might be about average for the first week after a good (or at least non-upsetting) session. (Just imagine if I was having weekly sessions! Out of my budget but also not something I'd entertain given how loathe I am to get anywhere near feeling dependent.)

Still a positive though. Plus the next session is already booked, and I already decided last month that even if I'm still thinking stuff like this I'm going to attend and talk about it. So there's no decisions to make. Only thoughts to tolerate and explain and figure out what's behind them... Which is frustrating enough as it is.


Re: 3 Positive Things Part 6

1 - My OCD won over my MDD

2 - at first my MDD was way ahead and my fear of losing 30$ of meat going bad sitting in the fridge for 2 1/2 days got my rear end out of bed to simply throw 3 of these in the freezer regardless of the freezer burn potential... just didn't want to lose the money...


3 - The OCD that won though had nothing to do with my current state of mind... it was all the previous OCD shopping episodes resulting in no possible way even with reorganizing obsessively to get the 3 packs into the freezers (i need a big upright freezer to solve my storage issues)

So, m'y MDD got screwed and was put on hold till I got to pull out the ziplocks and scale and get those 9 lbs and change bagged and in the freezer not ASAP, right now! There's a possibility of a few air bubbles and the last pack was a little over 3 pounds so had to spread it out to roughly 472 grams per bag. But the most important thing is got it all bagged and in the freezer and even a bit of freezer space to to spare. Yes, with pretty much the same obsessive behavior minus the micro shortcuts (unnoticeable to a Neuro typical but I can see the slight slack off in my work)


BONUS: Now I can get back to being just depressed and in pain. Less anxiety and guilt for not taking care of it earlier to deal with.

DOUBLE BONUS: (close your eyes here @gooblax
I saved myself from losing almost $30 of food!


Re: 3 Positive Things Part 6

Eh... nice thought .. few problems there though...

70% or so is freezer food.. I guess with a gas generator I could keep it but the gas would probably be as hard to get as electricity and it probably get stolen the second I took my eye off it. :lol:

I think when we get to that point it’ll come down to eat or be eaten and being in a rural area most have guns, I on the other hand do not... plus being an outsider I’ll probably be BBQ’d in no time :coffee:
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