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Daniel E.
Re: 3 Positive Things Part 6

1. McDonalds $1 large coffee/tea.

2. Weather is perfect.

3. Lots of sparrows singing in the backyard. (I buy sunflower seeds in 40 pound bags for them and the chickens :))


Re: 3 Positive Things Part 6

1 - Weather went from almost 20c on Tuesday to drizzle and rain, bloody cold and windy yesterday to this:


I think summer is officially over :rolleyes:

2 - Trip went well to the city yesterday. Poor bud was finding it hard to sit and watch me try and put down a burger and a poutine which took me almost an hour to ingest. Managed to keep the partials in for 6 hours. Less pain in some areas but one clasp on the bottom was uncomfortable on my gum. As for food... it's bloody impossible to eat with those things in my mouth! Took them out when I got home and think I had more under my partials then in my tummy.

3 - after a couple hours break I put them back in as I was impatient to scoff down a bag of chips while watching the hockey game... Definitely easier on the gums but it's literally taking all the pleasure out of eating anything even chips!

But I'm not giving up on them yet so I'll keep trying. Just hope I'll be able to tolerate them before an intentional accident happens to them. No need to go out today might just leave them out all day and have some soft sandwiches and give myself a mental break. It's been a hectic 6 weeks without really having any break from it all. Almost left the city without picking up my meds!

BONUS: physical due in November so doc agreed to do it same day as I go to see that new psychiatrist on the 21st so will go there and then to buds place then he’s bringing me to the shrink appointment for moral support.
Re: 3 Positive Things Part 6

thankful for support from a friend

got a call from person saying my brother now is 1st on list to get into nrsg home praying it happens soon

ate lunch today at Wendy just a small chicken wrap and chocolate frost saw a nurse i use to work with she invited me to sit with her. uggg but i was able to hold back emotions did not embarrass myself too much


Re: 3 Positive Things Part 5

1 - I was happy to hear today that a friend who has big issues and fear regarding taking any medication is going to try and take the meds doc prescribed. I know how hard this is for her so it's good to hear she at least intends to try. Can't ask for more but can hope for success

2 - 6 weeks with no scheduled doc or shrink appointments in Winnipeg except probably in a couple weeks go get my buccal torture devices tweaked. Only have to go every second Saturday for my injection buts that's close and gives me chance to do groceries without a special trip. Being a rebel today. Didn't do laundry. Not wearing my partials will try tomorrow (maybe)

3 - Hockey tonight. Home opener in Montreal after a 3 game road trip with 4 of 6 possible points in the bank against 3 of the top teams in the league.

BONUS: The 4K UHD does a nice job at upscaling 720p and 1080p. I do think I should have gone all in and got the 65" instead of 55" but it's working nicely especially watching movies in 4K. So much detail. Sweet for an average quality TCL TV
Re: 3 Positive Things Part 6

1. Played a minor prank on a colleague and he doesn't know who did it ;) Well received though.
2. Forgot to load my playlist on my phone so I can't be judged for my taste in annoying music, but it's still tunes and waffle Friday.
3. Reviewing a document and all seems pretty good and straightforward.

Daniel E.
Re: 3 Positive Things Part 6

got a call from person saying my brother now is 1st on list to get into nrsg home praying it happens soon

That is great! When I would visit people in the nursing home, I always enjoyed their popcorn days and free Wi-Fi :)


Re: 3 Positive Things Part 5

1 - Power still on at the moment in spite of the really nasty weather. My server battery backup woke me up. I have the audible signal off but it clicks the relay on and off every time the power fluctuates below a certain level. It’s actually quite annoying especially since it kicks in without an actual power loss cause All clocks are ok.

Thought maybe was the power outlet spare you the pull everything part so i could plug it in another outlet...

2 - the joys of rural life when power goes out so goes the water since we’re on a well.

3 - Really grateful that I got a garage spot last month we got, are getting, Will get more of everything from rain to sleet to snow with some nice wind gusts as an added bonus coming from a nasty Colorado low.

This is one is definitely the Americans fault :panic:

Think I’ll go make me a pot of coffee NOW while I have power and water!

Funny part is I could have worn shorts and T shirt Tuesday it was so warm...

David Baxter PhD

Late Founder
Re: 3 Positive Things Part 5

1 - Power still on at the moment in spite of the really nasty weather. My server battery backup woke me up. I have the audible signal off but it clicks the relay on and off every time the power fluctuates below a certain level. It’s actually quite annoying especially since it kicks in without an actual power loss cause All clocks are ok.

This why you need to keep a hammer handy next to the battery backup. :coffee:

2 - the joys of rural life when power goes out so goes the water since we’re on a well.

When I lived out in the country, I would set up my coffee in advance whenever there was a bad forecast and I also kept a Brita filter jug of water in the fridge.

This is one is definitely the Americans fault :panic:

Not all Americans. Just Trump and his supporters...

Funny part is I could have worn shorts and T shirt Tuesday it was so warm...

You can still wear shorts and a t-shirt in your apartment. :)

David Baxter PhD

Late Founder
Re: 3 Positive Things Part 5

And if you have backyard chickens, you can steal water from their water feeder :coffee:

But if you have "Savage Chickens", be prepared to approach with stealth and escape with haste.

You also have to be prepared to push through the common feeling of "eeewww chicken lips have touched that!" ... :panic:


Re: 3 Positive Things Part 6

It’s calmed down a bit we’re at the anything can happen stage from here to tomorrow.

its at that “sweet spot” where the snow is wet and packed but not melting.

Re: 3 Positive Things Part 6

OMG no no no snow so grateful we still have our beautiful fall trees with all the colours of red and yellow orange and Burgundies and it is still quite warm here for October. Hope your snow melts soon and you can enjoy some more warmer weather.


Re: 3 Positive Things Part 6

It always baffles me to see snow just casually at someone's place of residence.

yes, so pretty in someone else’s yard...
unfortunately that taken looking out me front window slightly before posting it.

Bud has a lakeside cottage in Ontario and on Tuesday the water level was 1 inch from the top of his fixed dock. And from what I gather when he gets there to close up for the winter this week it’ll be completely submerged.

With all the rain we got lately plus this snow the rivers and lakes are at spring high levels if we get average snow we could be in for record breaking floods in spring. All depends on how much snow they get out west and in North Dakota as it pretty much all flows from there through 2 rivers to 2 big lakes. And when you live in the prairies water spreads wide and far.

Im “lucky” we’re on a little hump about 5 to 10 feet higher than the end of the street. Except if it floods your still stuck lol

Federal elections on Oct 21st... friggen polling station in in the common area of my building... pretty hard to come up with an excuse to justify not going to give the liberals probably their only vote in the area :coffee:


Re: 3 Positive Things Part 6

OMG no no no snow so grateful we still have our beautiful fall trees with all the colours of red and yellow orange and Burgundies and it is still quite warm here for October. Hope your snow melts soon and you can enjoy some more warmer weather.

Glad it warm in your area FMN

But I don’t think it’ll be warm here again probably before May

Re: 3 Positive Things Part 6

yes, so pretty in someone else's yard...
Double whammy - it's both pretty and makes me imagine that you're on holiday because here you don't see snow unless you specifically "go to the snow" for skiing or whatever. :eek:

GaryQ said:
Im "lucky" we're on a little hump about 5 to 10 feet higher than the end of the street. Except if it floods your still stuck lol
You can practice for that apocalypse then ;)
Re: 3 Positive Things Part 6

1. Feeling a bit better after over an hour chat of not working.
2. Good weather today.
3. Received a nerf bullet to the neck.
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