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Re: 3 Positive Things

1. i am realizing that i have made more progress again in how i feel overall in the past few months. each time i think i've reached "the top" it turns out that i was wrong and that i seem to keep moving beyond that :)

2. the weather looks decent today for the first time in a while, and there's sunshine!

3. i got through a rough week and am now looking forward to a nice relaxing weekend :yahoo:


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Re: 3 Positive Things

1. I sat with my dog when I was feeling lonely, and she let me hold her paw.

When I first read this Gooblax I read "I sat on my dog" :eek: Ok, its still early here and I need another cup of Java. :coffee2: :panic:


Re: 3 Positive Things

I haven't contributed to this thread in quite a while although I do think it a most valuable one. Christmas is soon and it's typically not an upbeat time for me but there have been a few really nice things lately that make this season, so far, a nicer one for me. The first of my list below is not one of them but it does hold some positive thoughts too. My three:

1) (I hesitated to include this but I hold onto the positives in it) My dog is now at peace after an illness that left him in pain. I hold onto the knowledge that his suffering didn't last long and, most of all, he was loved. It comforts me to know that, and also that where he has gone he will rejoin his original "mother", my own mother who was the very best carer in the world :)

2) The weather here is completely upside down for this time of year. I never remember it raining for days on end, and staying cool, in the middle of December. I love it! Such cool, cloudy days have always comforted me (I hate the sun and heat!) so this weather is making it a much nice season this year. And we badly need the rain to fill our dams, so it's good all around.

3) A friend introduced me to the song "Une Colombe" ("A Dove") sung by Celine Dion which I absolutely love! Can't find an English version but that's ok. I love the sound of it anyway, and have also downloaded the lyrics (in French and English). The emblem of the Dove of peace has long been a favourite of mine and one that I always try to look for in Xmas cards.

For now,



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Re: 3 Positive Things

1. I was up until 3 in the morning so I let myself sleep in until noon today.:eek:

2. When I woke the phone was ringing. It was my sister and we talked until just after one. Only then did I get out of bed.

3. It snowed last night. Even though I am stuck indoors today it really is a pretty scene. A beautiful Sunday afternoon.
Re: 3 Positive Things

:goodjob::high5: Way to go with all the positives everyone!

When I first read this Gooblax I read "I sat on my dog"
:p Oh dear... I'm not sure she would have been too happy with that. :lol:


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Re: 3 Positive Things

Made it to my sister's in Manitoba with not one panic attack the whole flight.

I love my 16 yr old nephew

At this moment I am loving life. :)


Re: 3 Positive Things

I'm very happy for you ladylore :)
And thank you all for your positives especially at this time of year.
My own for now:
1. Turned to someone I don't often see to tell them I cared.
2. Am going to call into a nursing home on Xmas Day to see another old family friend who I see too little. I will be especially glad to do that
3. Was able to receive the caring of someone else close to my family :)
For now,


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Re: 3 Positive Things

That's really nice Amastie:hug: are mine for today:

1. Made some new friends;
2. Went shopping for children's toys (part of the excursion involved Walmart:eek:...on a Saturday - feel I've really overcome a hurdle here). And no, didn't have the nerve to do Daniel's "to-do's" in Walmart... but, cannot tell a lie, really considered it when I passed the M & Ms shelves....:); and,
3. Not feeling as sick today (I've been battling an infection for the past 8 weeks that's resistant to antibiotics) - and actually want/ have the energy to do things.

ok - gonna cheat a little -

4. Really feeling supported - thanks guys!:)
Re: 3 Positive Things

Glad that you feel better Jazzey :)

1. Winter solsitice is upon us , the days lengthen from now on !!

2. Did my weekend tasks .before Sunday evening :)

3. Didn't have to go to our equivelent of Walmart :)
Re: 3 Positive Things

1. Recognised a need to look for positives this morning.
2. I got out of bed waaaay before 10am today (8:50am, actually...).
3. Instead of getting back into bed because it's cold, I'm going to play guitar for a bit (outside, so it doesn't annoy my brother) and then have breakfast. (The weather is being silly... it's supposed to be summer!)


Re: 3 Positive Things

Jazzey, i'm so glad you're feeling better :)
WP, you got your tasks done.. congrats!
Gooblax, "recognized a need to look for positives" That's great! I need to do that every day, and as for you're getting up early, I applaud you!

For now:
1. Able to respond more at present
2. Though the weather has heated up to a more expected temp for summer, I'm sitting near my ever-relieable air-conditioner. God bless 'em.
3. Have put sewing needed to be done on table in front of me - a good sign it will get done (will get back later if in fact it is!)

Take care all,



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Re: 3 Positive Things

I am having a harder time but I am not trying to find a reason for my feelings - they just are at the moment.

My brother-in-law made me a new narrow chair that that fits the narrower doorways. I feel like I have a new pair of legs.

Glad the new year is right around the corner.
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