Re: 3 Positive Things

1. I was thankful to buy food today.
2. I am thankful Abby is healthy.
3. I am clinging on to the belief that there is hope.
One# I am taking the time to think of some positive things because I tend to dwell on the negative. That in itself is huge for me right now.
Two#I got some good advice from this forum which has helped already and some perspective that I didnt have before.
Three# I reconnected with a friendship that I thought that I had ruined because I stopped wanting to talk to people. Turns out the friendship is still there.
1. Found out that I got decent results in all my subjects this semester.
2. Allowed myself a bit of happiness regarding those results (without jumping down the "not good enough" road immediately).
3. Shared those results with family members who offered congratulations.
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1) I had a rational discussion with a friend over issues that were bothering me for quite a while. I was afraid he would be upset, but he was very kind about helping me understand.
2) Mom had an idea for a craft we are going to do together.
3) I comforted a friend in great need.